
Swift Lightweight Router

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift Lightweight Router


pod 'Routable',  :git => 'https://github.com/Beniamiiin/Routable.git'

How to use

You can add a controller as a child view controller.

add(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName")

This method for adding an initial view controller of a storyboard as a child view controller.

add(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", withIdentifier: "ControllerSegueIdentifier")

This method for adding a view controller with passed identifier as a child view controller.

add(in: containerView, fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName")

This method for adding an initial view controller of a storyboard as a child view controller but in containerView instead of parent.view.

add(in: containerView, fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", withIdentifier: "ControllerSegueIdentifier")

This method for adding a view controller with passed identifier as a child view controller but in containerView instead of parent.view.

Also you can pass any parameters to child view controller.

add(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", ViewControllerB.self) { moduleB in

add(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", withIdentifier: "ControllerSegueIdentifier", ViewControllerB.self) { moduleB in

add(in: containerView, fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", ViewControllerB.self) { moduleB in

add(in: containerView, fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", withIdentifier: "ControllerSegueIdentifier", ViewControllerB.self) { moduleB in

You can push a controller.

show(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName")

This method for pushing an initial view controller of a storyboard.

show(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", withIdentifier: "ControllerSegueIdentifier")

This method for pushing a view controller with passed identifier.

Also you can pass any parameters to controller which you gonna push.

show(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", ViewControllerB.self) { moduleB in

show(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", withIdentifier: "ControllerSegueIdentifier", ViewControllerB.self) { moduleB in

You can present a controller.

present(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName")

This method for presenting an initial view controller of a storyboard.

present(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", presentationStyle: .currentContext, transitionStyle: .crossDissolve)

This method for presenting an initial view controller of a storyboard and with custom presentationStyle and transitionStyle.

present(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", withIdentifier: "ControllerSegueIdentifier")

This method for presenting a view controller with passed identifier.

present(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", withIdentifier: "ControllerSegueIdentifier", presentationStyle: .currentContext, transitionStyle: .crossDissolve)

This method for adding a view controller with passed identifier and with custom presentationStyle and transitionStyle.

Also you can pass any parameters to controller which you gonna present.

present(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", ViewControllerB.self) { moduleB in

present(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", ViewControllerB.self, presentationStyle: .currentContext, transitionStyle: .crossDissolve) { moduleB in

present(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", withIdentifier: "ControllerSegueIdentifier", ViewControllerB.self) { moduleB in

present(fromStoryboard: "StoryboardName", withIdentifier: "ControllerSegueIdentifier", ViewControllerB.self, presentationStyle: .currentContext, transitionStyle: .crossDissolve) { moduleB in


Create routable protocols for user stories. For example:

protocol PostStoryRoutable: Routable {
    func showPostModule(with article: Article)

extension PostStoryRoutable where Self: UIViewController {
    func showPostModule(with article: Article) {
        guard let postType = article.sectionType else {
        show(fromStoryboard: Storyboards.PostStory.storyboardName, PostModuleInput.self) { moduleInput in
            moduleInput.setup(with: article, postType: postType)

And it's so easy to use in the view controller.

final class ViewControllerA: UIViewController, PostStoryRoutable {
    @IBAction private func showPost() {
        guard let article = article else {
        showPostModule(with: article)

final class ViewControllerB: UIViewController, PostStoryRoutable {
    @IBAction private func showPost() {
        guard let article = article else {
        showPostModule(with: article)

It's much better than to use routing directly in the view controller. And also you don't have to write a code for routing repeatedly. You wrote it once in routable protocol and you can use it from everywhere.