
A CLI to bootstrap a "zero-configuration" application for the Cozy V3 platform

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CCA illustration

Create Cozy App

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Start quickly your Cozy application

What's create-cozy-app?

create-cozy-app is a command line tool that create a skeleton of an application for Cozy, using Cozy libraries.

This tool can be run as an installed CLI or by using yarn create, see below for more information.

By default, create-cozy-app will use the cozy-scripts scripts bundle to build your app based on Preact (tested on React) and Redux frameworks.


  • Node.js version 8 or higher;
  • Yarn. Yarn is a Node.js package manager, like npm;
  • a running Cozy development environment (optional if you just want to use standalone mode);

Running it without installation via Yarn

You can use create-cozy-app without installing it globally by using the yarn create cozy-app command to bootstrap your application:

yarn create cozy-app mycozyapp

You can find more information about yarn create in the yarnpkg documentation.

Install the CLI

Just use yarn to download and globally install the create-cozy-app CLI;

yarn global add create-cozy-app

CLI usage

If you installed the CLI as described before, use the create-cozy-app command to bootstrap your application:

create-cozy-app mycozyapp

Ready to go

The script will download some dependencies (may take a while) and ask you a few questions, then create an application skeleton inside mycozyapp

That's all! You can start hacking:

cd mycozyapp
yarn watch:standalone

After the webpack build, your app should be available at http://localhost:8888

Known limitations

For now, this project has only been tested on GNU/Linux and OS X.



You can pass a custom scripts package using the optional --scripts-source option, it can be one of:

  • a relative local path to a tarball (fileRel: prefix): fileRel:./a-folder/my-cozy-scripts.tar.gz
  • an absolute local path to a tarball (fileAbs: prefix): fileAbs:/root/my-cozy-scripts.tar.gz
  • an URL to a tarball (url: prefix): url:https://myurl.com/my-cozy-scripts.tar.gz
  • a specific npm version (version: prefix): version:0.1.5
  • a specific git commit/branch with name provided after the '#' (git: prefix): git://github.com/CPatchane/cozy-scripts.git#master

Using this options, create-cozy-app will use the cozy-scripts package but with the template-vue template folder in order to build a Cozy application using the VueJS 2+ framework.


Using this options, create-cozy-app will use the cozy-scripts-vanilla package (instead of the default one: cozy-scripts) and build a Cozy application in VanillaJS without any npm dependencies.


What's Cozy?


Cozy is a platform that brings all your web services in the same private space. With it, your webapps and your devices can share data easily, providing you with a new experience. You can install Cozy on your own hardware where no one's tracking you.

Get in touch

You can reach the Cozy Community by:


create-cozy-app is distributed under the MIT license.

CCA logo by @CPatchane.