
This repo provides two examples and a script to easily define and run mapper and reducer functions against Hadoop MapReduce.

Generally speaking, on the top level there are folders that must contain:

  • sample directory with data to be copied in hdfs within docker container

ENSURE THAT .py FILES HAVE chmod +x PERMISSIONS (This is hadoop requirement)

Of course, the idea is to add more folders that demonstrate different aggregations that can be achieved with MapReduce over different datasaets (that are available in the sample folder). The aspiration was to make something reusable quickly and cheaply.


  1. Download this repo
  2. CD into this repo
  3. Run the following
docker run \
  -v $(pwd):/usr/local/hadoop/py \
  -it sequenceiq/hadoop-docker:2.7.1 \
  /usr/local/hadoop/py/ grep

(notice the grep keyword at the end - corresponds to the folder grep!)

expected output:

foo	6
quux	4

Another example:

docker run \
  -v $(pwd):/usr/local/hadoop/py \
  -it sequenceiq/hadoop-docker:2.7.1 \
  /usr/local/hadoop/py/ count

(notice the count keyword at the end - corresponds to the folder count!)

expected output:

bar	0
foo	6
labs	0
quux	4

Question: How would you update the simple grep above to manage any type of search? (In this case it encodes the "f" / "x" searching inside the reducer function). So basically...

  • what if I wanted to find all the words that have "oo"

Given that our data has the following text 'quux bar foo labs quux foo foo' if wanted to filter the words that merely the duplicated letters "oo" we can run the following command


docker run \
-v $(pwd):/usr/local/hadoop/py  \
-it sequenceiq/hadoop-docker:2.7.1  \
/usr/local/hadoop/py/ basic \
fs -ls | grep oo 


foo	6

  • the words that start in "k" but end in "e"

Given that our data has the following text 'quux bar foo labs quux foo foo' if we wanted to find the word 'quux' where the first letter starts with 'q' and ends with 'x' we can run the following command filter the results.


docker run  \
-v $(pwd):/usr/local/hadoop/py \
-it sequenceiq/hadoop-docker:2.7.1 \
/usr/local/hadoop/py/ count \
fs -ls | grep "^q\w*x\b"


quux	4

  • the words that have a single capital letter in them?

*Given that our data has the following text 'quux bar foo labs quux foo foo' finding the words that contain a single capital letter would be lackluster because we dont have anything. Nonetheless below are two ways to filter words containe a single capital letter and one way to filter words with a single lowercase letter.

INPUT {cap}

docker run  \
-v $(pwd):/usr/local/hadoop/py \
-it sequenceiq/hadoop-docker:2.7.1  \
/usr/local/hadoop/py/ count \
fs -ls | grep '[[:upper:]]'


INPUT {cap}

docker run  \
-v $(pwd):/usr/local/hadoop/py  \
-it sequenceiq/hadoop-docker:2.7.1 \
/usr/local/hadoop/py/ count \
fs -ls | grep '[A-Z]'


INPUT {lowercase}

docker run  \
-v $(pwd):/usr/local/hadoop/py \
-it sequenceiq/hadoop-docker:2.7.1  \
/usr/local/hadoop/py/ count \
fs -ls | grep '[[:lower:]]'


bar	0
foo	6
labs	0
quux	4

As you can imagine, the fix is not to hardcode all of these scenarios inside the map/reduce functions but instead, to come up with a more generic way to solve this.