
For Installation https://github.com/Benitk/OOP-Assignment-One/wiki/Installation


Ben Itzhak

Shani Cohen


The project focus on functions of type y=f(x), where both y and x are real numbers. and has four main Classes.

  1. Monom - represents a simple “Monom” of shape a*x^b, where a is a real number and b Is an integer (b is only positive).
  2. Polynom - represents an collections of Monoms.
  3. ComplexFunction - represents a complex function of type y=g(f1(x), f2(x)), where both f1, f2 are functions (or complex functions), y and x are real numbers and g is an operation: plus, mul, div, max, min, comp (f1(f2(x))). implantation by inner Node class to create a tree of function and operations.
  4. Function_GUI - represents an collections of functions (Monon, Polynom, ComplexFunction).

Monom class methods:

  1. Derivative – Derivative of monom
  2. f – Compute the value of the monom on a given x – f(x)
  3. Add – Add two monoms
  4. Multiply - Multiply two monoms
  5. toString – Return a string of the monom
  6. equals – Compare monom to an object and return true if both equal else false
  7. isZero – Check if the Monom has coefficient of 0
  8. initFromString - Creating an new object for Monom from string
  9. copy - Creating deep copy of the Monom object

Polynom class methods:

  1. Derivative – Derivative of polynom
  2. f – Compute the value of the polynom on a given x – f(x)
  3. Add – Add two polynoms
  4. Add – Add monom with polynom
  5. Substract = Substract two polynoms
  6. Multiply - Multiply two polynoms
  7. Multiply - Multiply monom with polynom
  8. toString – Return a string of the polynom
  9. equals – Compare polynom to an object and return true if both equal else false
  10. isZero – Check if the every monom in the polynom has coefficient of zero or size of the polynom is zero
  11. root – Calculate the point of intersection approximately epsilon between two points
  12. copy – Create a copy of the polynom object
  13. area – Calculate the area between two point of the polynom in epsilon steps
  14. iteretor – Create an iterator to the polynom
  15. initFromString - Creating an new object for Polynom from string

ComplexFunction class methods:

  1. toString – Return a string of the ComplexFunction
  2. f – Compute the value of the polynom on a given x – f(x): f
  3. equals – Compare polynom to an object and return true if both equal else false
  4. initFromString - Creating an new object for ComplexFunction from string
  5. copy - Creating deep copy of the ComplexFunction object
  6. plus - Add to this complex_function a function
  7. mul - Multiply to this complex_function a function
  8. max - Computes the maximum over this complex_function and a function
  9. min - Computes the minimum over this complex_function and a function
  10. comp - Wrap this ComplexFunction(cf) with a function(f1) w: this.cf(f1(x))
  11. div - Divides to this complex_function the f1 function
  12. left - Returns the left side of the complex function - this side should always exists.
  13. right - Returns the right side of the complex function - this side might not exists (aka equals null)
  14. getOp - The complex_function oparation: plus, mul, div, max, min, comp

Function_GUI class methods:

  1. initFromFile - Init a new collection of functions from a file using scanner to read the file
  2. saveToFile - Write a new collection of functions to a file using File, FileWriter
  3. drawFunctions - Draws all the functions in the collection in a GUI window using the given parameters using StdDraw for drawing
  4. drawFunctions(String json_file) - Draws all the functions in the collection in a GUI window using the given JSON file using external Gson.jar and StdDraw for drawing

Collections builtin methods

  1. size - Returns the number of elements in this list
  2. isEmpty - Returns true if this list contains no elements
  3. contains -Returns true if this list contains the specified element
  4. iterator - Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence
  5. toArray - Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in proper sequence (from first to last element)
  6. toArray(T[] a) - Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in proper sequence (from first to last element)
  7. add - Appends the specified element to the end of this list
  8. remove - Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from this list, if it is present
  9. containsAll - Returns true if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection
  10. addAll - Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's Iterator
  11. removeAll - Removes from this list all of its elements that are contained in the specified collection
  12. retainAll - Retains only the elements in this list that are contained in the specified collection
  13. clear - Removes all of the elemets from this list

For Auxiliary classes ,Junit5Tests and more information, Please visit our wiki.