
A simple python script to automatically pull any repos in the containing folder. Specifically useful for those using Git for school assignments and need to grade.

Primary LanguagePython

Auto Pull.py

This is a smiple python script that will pull and update the latest tags on a folder that is full of other git repos.


Folder Structure

This script will go through each folder in the current directory that it is ran from, and will

- Repos
- autoPull.py
--> Repo_1
--> Repo_2
--> Repo_3
--> Repo_4


usage: This script will walk through all sub-directories, fetch all tags, and pull.
       [-h] [-t TAG] [-d DIRECTORY] [-b BRANCH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TAG, --tag TAG     Checkout this branch or tag for each repo
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        The direcotry that holds all the repos you want to
                        update. Default is current dir.
  -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
                        After pulling and checking out, create a new branch of
                        this name for each repo


Note: You need to install the requests module via pip for this to work:

pip install requests

This is a simple script for cloning all repositiories in a given organization.

Note For private repos, you will need to provide an oAuth access token.
To do this go to your GitHub account:

Settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens

From here, you can generate a new oAuth token, make sure that you check the full repo scope.