
A boilerplate for using backbone, marionette, require, handlebars, node boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ben's stack

This is the setup I use with RedditJS. I thought I would strip it down so myself and others can use it as a good starting point for projects.

####This boiler plate is built with :

How to run this locally

  • Clone repo git clone git@github.com:BenjaminAdams/backbone-marionette-require-handlebars-node-boilerplate.git
  • In the console type npm install
  • In /public/js/loader.js you may have to change the window.production = false or else the changes you make to the source will not work.
  • sudo npm -g install nodemon This starts the node server and monitors for changes in the files and updates the code running on node.
  • Run the project and watch for live changes to the code type nodemon and you should be able to open it in http://localhost:8002/

####Minify for production

  • You might need to do sudo npm -g install grunt
  • To minify the code for production type grunt and in /public/js/loader.js change window.production = true and it will load the minified source.