
Unity Game Project

Primary LanguageC#


Studio WIP

Christoph Vögele, Benjamin Brodwolf

Game Concept



In Game Screenhot



You are a zookeeper at your local zoo and try to escape your worst nightmare: Animals. In this turn based strategy game you get to flex all your brain muscles to reach the exit in every level without crashing into your angry residents. You are encouraged to reach different exits to get different rewards, like a gun! What? Who keeps guns in a zoo?

Classification (Taxonomy)

  • Turn-Based Strategy Game
  • Lara Croft GO, Hitman GO
  • Single Player

Game Mechanics

Core Mechanics:

  • Walking turn based. When you move, all enemies also move

  • Picking up Items, Placing Items that you find in the game to control the board and restrict where the animals can walk.

  • Using Equipment you can find at the hardest exit. For Example in the picture on the yellow exit you can see a gun.

  • Functional Game Space (and Level Design):

  • Grid: The game interactions happen on the fields. Like in chess, different enemies have different attack patterns and different movement ranges.

  • State Machine

  • What will be challenges in balancing your game?

    • Creating levels that are actually playable and solvable by the player.
    • Making sure that it is possible to solve levels in several ways, instead of there only being one possible way of movements to escape each level.


  • The Story revolves around a zoo keeper trying to escape the zoo while being attacked by all the animals.
  • Which story method is utilized?
  • Comedy: Only in the Zoo there is trouble. The zookeeper is in this bubble of problems. The rest of the world seems to be normal and the zoo visitors also do not seem to have any problems.





Level Builder

Level Builder