AWS Virtual Private Network + Load Balancer

Amazon AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Challenges


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#AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Foundational

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My Personal AWS VPC from scratch connecting subnets, creating Internet Gateway, Route Tables, Subnet Associations and ssh into the server.

Intro for project

Steps Involved:

  • ✅ Create 1 VPC in AWS Console

  • ✅ Create 2 subnets then attatch them to the VPC created

  • ✅ Give the subnets IPv4 CIDRs

  • ✅ Create internet gateway so we have internet

  • ✅ Attatch internet gateway to VPC

  • ✅ Go to VPC's main route table and edit the routes

  • ✅ give the destination the universal IP address and target the internet Gateway and save changes

  • ✅ go to subnet associations and add the 2 subnets created and save associations

  • ✅ now go to the EC2 (Virtual servers in the cloud) dashboard and create an Instance (launch instance)

  • ✅ name the server and choose a distrubution

  • ✅ create new key pair (if one isnt already available) if so select it

  • ✅ under networking settings edit and select the VPC and subnet created

  • ✅ enable auto-assign public IP address

  • ✅ ssh protocol should be TCP port 22

  • ✅ launch instance and repeat for 2nd instance

  • ✅ for windows it will be RDP instead of ssh and the port will be 3389

  • ✅ go to the instance you want to run and select connect

  • ✅ for the ssh client open a terminal on Apple (different for windows will document later)

  • ✅ cd into the folder the key pair is in and run the commands

  • ✅ run chmod 400 + name of key pair (to ensure key is not publicly visible)

  • ✅ run ssh -i "key pair name" ec2-user@ + IP given

  • ✅ select yes on the dialog prompt

  • ✅ you should see Amazon Linux 2 AMI logo if done correctly

  • ✅ run logout to close connection and get back to your shell

  • ✅ for windows server select instance and go to RDP client

  • ✅ select password and upload private key to decrypt

  • ✅ decrypt password

  • ✅ copy password

  • ✅ download remote desktop file

  • ✅ open download remote desktop file

  • ✅ paste password to launch instance

  • ✅ select yes to continue on pop up dialouge box

  • ✅ you should see your instance live

  • Figure how to ping from one server to another

  • Write a Blog Post on Hashnode about the experience.

My version of the code found Below

Load Balancer / Jump Server Setup

  • ✅ create load balancer using classic load balancer
  • ✅ name load balancer
  • ✅ attatch VPC inside create LB inside dropdown
  • ✅ add the subnets by selecting the plus icons next to them under available subnets Actions
  • ✅ next assign security groups
  • ✅ create a new security group (type http)
  • ✅ next configure security settings
  • ✅ next configure health check (ignore warning on page)
  • ✅ next add EC2 instance
  • ✅ select both instances created
  • ✅ next add tags
  • ✅ review and create
  • ✅ create

Infrastructure As Code (IaC)

Blog Post

  • ❌ Write about experience in Blog post on HashNode

Issues Encountered

  • ❌ Actively Finding resolution to Issue with pinging back and forth

  • ❌ Under Construction