
Flutter Mobile App that allows you to track your running, walking and cycling sessions like Runtastic or Strava

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Run Flutter Run

A clone of the Runtastic or Strava mobile app

Fork it, add new functionnalities, please don't hesitate

If you want to play with the project or add new functionnalities, you can fork this current repository and the backend one (https://github.com/BenjaminCanape/RunBackEndRun) and do what you want with it, and if it's awesome maybe propose it in a Pull request here.

I would be happy to see all your ideas and improvments.

And if the code helped you and you want to thank me for this, you can buy me a coffee:

Buy Me A Coffee


Record your running, walking, and cycling sessions with session tracking through voice synthesis and a map updated with real-time location.

Users can also view their previous sessions and follow other users to see, like and comment their activities.

Getting Started


You need flutter (The best is to use the version 3.22 and above)

How to run

flutter pub get
flutter gen-l10n
flutter run

Some screenshots of the application

New Activity

Description de l'image Description de l'image

Activity list

Description de l'image Description de l'image Description de l'image


Description de l'image Description de l'image Description de l'image


Description de l'image Description de l'image

Login and registration

Description de l'image Description de l'image