
A Pythonic API for Amazon's States Language for defining AWS Step Functions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


StairStep is a Pythonic API for designing AWS Step Functions using Amazon's State Language

Instead of hand crafting JSON, StairStep allows you define step functions using Python code which allows you to easily import information from outside sources and dynamically create step functions on the fly.

Development Progress / Coverage

Lanuage Feature Type Progress
State Pass
State Task
State Succeed
State Fail
State Choice
Field Common Validations
State Wait
State Parallel Next 🛣


Hello World

Using the example from the Amazon's State Language page

    "Comment": "A simple minimal example of the States language",
    "StartAt": "Hello World",
    "States": {
    "Hello World": { 
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:HelloWorld",
      "End": true

We can easily craft that in StairStep as follows

# Create a parent StairStep object
ss = StairStep(comment="A simple minimal example of the States language", startAt="Hello World")

# Create the HelloWorld step
StateTask(name="Hello World", resource="arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:HelloWorld", end=True)

# Add the step into the StairStep object

# Create the Amazon State Language Export

   "Comment":"A simple minimal example of the States language",
   "StartAt":"Hello World",
      "Hello World":{  


Complex Choice State

ss = StairStep(
    comment = "Example Choice State",
    startAt = "ChoiceStateX"
# Create a ChoiceRule, which is composed of choice expression(s)
# This checks to see if the variable $.type is not "Private"
typeNotPrivate = ChoiceRule(operator="Not", snext="Public", conditions=
    ChoiceExpression(operator="StringEquals", variable="$.type", value="Private")

# This checks to see if the value of $.value is >=20 or <30
valueInTwenties = ChoiceRule(operator="And", snext="ValueInTwenties", conditions=
        ChoiceExpression(operator="NumericGreaterThanEquals", variable="$.value", value=20),
        ChoiceExpression(operator="NumericLessThan", variable="$.value", value=30)
state = StateChoice(name="ChoiceStateX", choices=[typeNotPrivate,valueInTwenties],default="DefaultState")

default = StatePass(name="DefaultState", end=True)
in_twenties = StatePass(name="ValueInTwenties", end=True)
public = StatePass(name="Public", end=True)

	"Comment": "Example Choice State",
	"StartAt": "ChoiceStateX",
	"States": {
		"ChoiceStateX": {
			"Type": "Choice",
			"Default": "DefaultState",
			"Choices": [{
				"Next": "Public",
				"Not": {
					"Variable": "$.type",
					"StringEquals": "Private"
			}, {
				"Next": "ValueInTwenties",
				"And": [{
					"Variable": "$.value",
					"NumericGreaterThanEquals": 20
				}, {
					"Variable": "$.value",
					"NumericLessThan": 30
		"ValueInTwenties": {
			"Type": "Pass",
			"End": true
		"Public": {
			"Type": "Pass",
			"End": true
		"DefaultState": {
			"Type": "Pass",
			"End": true
