I didn't get a chance to fully complete this to the standards I would like, The main problem has been "solved", but the supporting infrastructure around the code hasn't been finished to where I would like it to be.
- Test suite not fully completed, I didn't manage to test the main task, only the utilities around it.
- main.py is a bit overcrowded, I would want to possibly move some of the functions into their own files, and also the namedtuple possibly replaced by a class.
- Error handling, there are not enough exception handling, for example if you pass in a bunk json file the program would crash
- output; no logging and the final output for the venues is a bit messy
- duplication, there is a couple of functions that could be made a bit more generic (output and parsing) that have special code paths depending on if it's an unacceptable or acceptable venue, I could move that into one function
[f.venue_name for f in unacceptable_venues]
set([f.venue_name for f in acceptable_venues]))
- this could be a lot nicer ^^^^
- I brute force my way through some of the set theory
- I would of liked to have customised input locations, and also the inputs themselves are a bit flaky.
python main.py
python -m unittest discover tests