Whole Slide Image Patch Extraction

This project focuses on extracting patches from Whole Slide Images (WSI) using various extraction methods. It provides a modular and configurable approach to extract patches based on different criteria such as point annotations and tiles.

Project Structure

The project consists of the following components:

  • SVSLoader package: Contains the code for loading and managing Whole Slide Images.

  • Processing package: Contains the code for different patch extraction methods and related utilities.

  • Config package: Contains configuration-related files and utilities.

  • Utils package: Contains utility functions used across the project.

  • main.py: The main script to run the patch extraction process.

Setup and Dependencies

To run the project, ensure that you have the following dependencies installed:

  • Python (version 3.8)
  • OpenCV (version X.X.X)
  • Numpy (version X.X.X)
  • PIL (version X.X.X)
  • BeautifulSoup4 (version X.X.X)


  1. Set up the project by cloning the repository and installing the required dependencies.

  2. Prepare the Whole Slide Images (WSI) and associated files:

    • Place the WSI files in the designated directory.
    • Ensure the associated annotation files match the specified pattern.
  3. Configure the extraction settings:

    • Update the configuration file (config.yaml) in the Config directory according to your needs.
    • Adjust the extraction module, patches directory, patch size, scaling factor, and other parameters as required.
  4. Run the patch extraction process:

    • Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory.

    • Execute the main script using the following command:

      python main.py -c config/config.yaml

      Make sure to provide the correct path to the configuration file.

  5. Monitor the progress and results:

    • The patch extraction process will start, and the progress will be displayed in the console.
    • Extracted patches will be saved in the specified directory.


The config.yaml file in the Config directory allows you to customize the patch extraction process. It includes the following sections:

Whole Slide Image loader configuration

  • WSL_DATA_DIR: The directory path where the WSI files are located.
  • ASSOCIATED_FILE_PATTERN: The regular expression pattern used to load the associated annotation files.

Patch Extraction Configuration

  • EXTRACTION_MODULE: The name of the patch extraction module to be used.
  • PATCHES_DIR: The directory path where the extracted patches will be saved.
  • PATCH_SIZE: The size of the patches to be extracted, specified as [width, height].
  • SCALING_FACTOR: The scaling factor applied to the patch size for improved resolution.
  • USE_CIR_MASK: A boolean value indicating whether to use a circular mask for the patches.
  • CONTEXT_MASK_RADIUS: The radius of the circular mask applied to the patches.


Contributions to this project are welcome. You can contribute by:

  • Reporting issues or bugs.
  • Suggesting new features or enhancements.
  • Submitting pull requests to fix issues, add features, or improve the code.

Please refer to the Contributing Guidelines for more information.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.