This project help people who dont know or not good at init a laravel project and push on your git
Please notice that we using python 3 so make sure everything up to date
- git (still in process)
- larain (download composer + create a new laravel project)
- folder (create a new folder if the folder you want doent exist)
- laravel (create laravel project) do not use the "bye" command (broken)
only use in open OS as Ubuntu, Linux, Centos do not use the "bye" command
Python3 (if you using Python 2 please update)
run the command
- Shell
- Benjamin Lam- Lâm Thái Gia Huy - who participated in this project.
- code for anyone who need anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- still in progress
- be brave enough to beat anything
- etc