
Automatically install packages and dependencies onto Linux, and setup x display on WSL.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

AutoInitialize Linux


To allow for a simple and fast install of all needed tools for Linux and initialize bash scripts. This has been mainly tested on WSL Ubuntu.


  1. Clone repo to local linux machine (run git clone https://github.com/BenjaminMichaelis/Linux_AutoInitializeScript.git)
  2. Navigate to repo location
  3. Run the script you want (depending on permissions either ./initializelinux or bash initializelinux
  • Individual Scripts
    • ./setupgit - for Git instillation
    • ./setupcpp - for C/C++ compiling and debugging instillation
    • ./vsliveshare_prereqs - for requirements for VSCode Liveshare.
  • Platform Scripts
    • ./initializelinux - for basic linux instillation
    • ./initialize_wsl2 - for basic linux instillation and x-display setup (#WIP)

What is contained within each script?

Check out the Notes