
A wordpress plugin to automatically share posts via twitter and facebook

Primary LanguagePHP


A wordpress plugin to automatically share posts via twitter and facebook with a CommentGrabber to grab all comments posted on a facebook post which is connected with a blog post.


To install this plugin in your working wordpress installation just download all files and put them in a new folder e.g.: /wp-content/plugins/wp-autosharepost/

Getting Started

Just follow these steps to get things working for each of these social networks


  1. Visit https://developers.facebook.com/apps and create a new application
  2. Visit http://[YOUR_DOMAIN]/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp-autosharepost-settings
  3. Copy and paste the "App ID" and "App Secret" shown on facebook for your application in the corresponding fields on the plugin settings page
  4. If you want to administrate a page then you can also provide the plugin with your your "Page ID"
  5. Save the settings
  6. After saving request a new "Access Token" with the "Request token" Link on the plugin settings page
  7. Your Facebook App will now ask for access to manage your page. Grant it and you're ready to share posts on Facebook.


  1. Visit https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new and create a new app
  2. Click on the "Settings"-Tab and locate "Application Type". Here you have to change the "Access"-Level to "Read and Write". Save these settings.
  3. Go back to the "Details"-Tab and click "Create my access token" at the end of the page.
  4. Visit http://[YOUR_DOMAIN]/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp-autosharepost-settings
  5. Now copy and paste all needed settings. You need the "Consumer key", "Consumer Secret", "Access token" and "Access token secret" to tweet your posts


  1. To enable the Facebook CommentGrabber just visit the plugin settings page under http://[YOUR_DOMAIN]/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp-autosharepost-commentgrabber
  2. Check "Enable CommentGrabber" to enable the CommentGrabber.
  3. Specify an interval in which the CommentGrabber checks for new comments on Facebook.
  4. Check the "Auto-Approve new Comments" Option to approve every comment which comes from Facebook directly.
  5. Because the CommentGrabber uses the Wordpress Cron it is highly recommended, that you switch to a normal cron before using the CommentGrabber. If you do not your users may be interupted while trying to access your page. Some Facebook requests may take some time to finish.


In order to support URL shortening for your twitter links you should enable bit.ly by supporting the plugin with some valid login details.

  1. Visit bitly.com and sign up. If you are already registered log in now.
  2. Enter your bit.ly username in the corresponing field in the plugin settings page.
  3. Visit http://bitly.com/a/account and scroll down until you reach the "API Key" headline. Copy and paste this code to the plugin settings page.


Any feedback, comments or improvements are welcome. Feel free to contact me at b.paap@checkdomain.de

If you have found any bugs or want to support this project with your bugfixes feel free to fork this project and do a pull request. I will then review your changes and merge them.

Future Plans

As soon as Google releases their API for Google+ I will implement a possibility to share posts to Google+ as well.

If you have any whishes for more social networks/platforms to be included feel free to contact me at b.paap@checkdomain.de


This is the plugin changelog from the beginning with version 0.1.1

0.3 (development)

Would like to hear your thoughts about my plans developing this plugin further. Feel free to contact me and discuss any features with me.

  • PLANNED: Create a widget to show every facebook like for your shared post like other twitter widgets do. Maybe a twitter widget too, so that you don't need to install another plugin.
  • PLANNED: Wordpress Comment Postback to Facebook. Users can request an access token in their user profile, so that if they answer with a comment to a post this comment is automatically posted to the shared facebook post.


  • ADDED: An option to read more pages with the comment grabber.
  • FIX: Login issue with facebook


  • ADDED: Default messages for facebook and twitter. If auto sharing is enabled in a wordpress post the plugin will look for default messages. If they are set the post will be shared.


  • ADDED: Support for different posting types on facebook.com. You can now choose between 'status', 'link', 'photo'. Currently unsure if 'video' will also be supported in the near future.
  • ADDED: Posting type can be set in options as default but can be changed in every article you create.
  • ADDED: Options to choose from different picture types and sizes to share.
  • ADDED: Comments from shared photos will be grabbed as well.
  • ADDED: Option to create a new album with every shared picture. Be carefull with this option because I don't know what facebook will do if you create many albums. This is an option to prevent facebook cumulating your pictures.
  • FIX: Icons in post will only show up, if post was really shared on this social network. Before both icons were shown if the post was shared on any network.


  • ADDED: German language files
  • ADDED: Option to specify what type of message to share to facebook (link/status message)
  • FIX: When a Blogpost is created and directly published no messages were shared to social networks.


  • Initial Release of this plugin

Information for Theme Designers

If you want to support this plugin in your theme and give facebook comments a special appeareance you can check with something like this, if the current comment is a facebook comment:

<?php if ($comment->comment_type == 'facebook'): ?>

Plugin Homepage

The plugin can also be found under http://blog.checkdomain.de/autosharepost-wordpress-plugin/

Special Thanks

I want to thank all my colleageus at http://www.checkdomain.de/ who supported me to create this Wordpress-Plugin