Antares Mongoose Intro (completed lecture repo)

An overview for today's Mongoose lecture.

We are starting with an application that will run and serve our index page with npm start. Some of the client-side markup is completed.

We will complete this application using Angular and Mongoose.


  1. Connect to Mongo using Mongoose, a node module.
  2. Define a Mongoose Schema for our Documents.
  3. Create base GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE server-side routes.
  4. Implement the Mongoose syntax needed to support the above routes.
  5. Use Angular to add, display, update and delete people.
  6. Explore a pre-save hook provided by Mongoose.

New Terms

  • Mongoose schema
  • Mongoose model
  • Mongoose subdocument
  • Hook

New Syntax

Quick rundown of new syntax we will use to query our database using Mongoose.

Mongoose Model Functions

  • find
  • findById
  • findByIdAndUpdate
  • findByIdAndRemove

Mongoose Document Functions

  • save

Mongoose Schema Functions

  • pre