
A Vagrant VM for Android BDD (Calabash) testing

Primary LanguageShell


A Vagrant VM for Android development environment


To install, download and install Vagrant for your platform, then download and install VirtualBox.

Clone and switch into this repository, run command vagrant up.

$ git clone https://github.com/nerds-odd-e/vagrant-android-develop.git
$ cd vagrant-android-develop
$ vagrant up

Once everything completes, run command vagrant ssh to login.

$ vagrant ssh

How to connect my Android phone?

First, use command VBoxManage list usbhost to find the VendorId of your Android phone.

$ VBoxManage list usbhost
Host USB Devices:

UUID:               d957abf9-18bf-46c6-a182-0466509d36de
VendorId:           0x04e8 (04E8)
ProductId:          0x6868 (6868)
Revision:           4.0 (0400)
Port:               1
USB version/speed:  0/2
Manufacturer:       SAMSUNG
Product:            SAMSUNG_Android
SerialNumber:       4df782582f0e405b
Address:            p=0x6868;v=0x04e8;s=0x0000608fbd70f37e;l=0x14100000
Current State:      Busy

Now we got the VendorId '0x04e8'. Set a system environment variable 'ANDROID_VENDOR_ID' to this value, and reload the VM. Maybe you need to plug in your device again.

$ ANDROID_VENDOR_ID=0x04e8 vagrant reload

C:\>set ANDROID_VENDOR_ID=0x04e8

What's inside?

  • Git
  • GUI
  • OpenJDK 7
  • Gradle 2.2.1
  • Maven 3.2.5
  • Ant 1.9.5
  • Android Screen Monitor
  • Android SDK with packages:
    • tools
    • platform-tools
    • build-tools-21.1.1
    • android-21
    • build-tools-19.1.0
    • android-19
    • extra-android-m2repository
    • extra-android-support
    • extra-google-m2repository
  • Xfce Desktop Environment