
Primary LanguageHTML

This is a jekyll site! jekyll is a ruby smth?

bundle exec jekyll serve Then it's up on localhost:4000

This is your front page!

It seems that fun_blog and main_blog as two separate folders can independently do their stuff? According to a commont on fun_blog's index.html,

fun_blog is a top level folder and hence gets read by jekyll and put into _site/fun_blog.
However unless it has its own index.html, there will be no link on the top bar of the site. The derived
page is precisely that of the index.html here, where we list only fun_blog category posts

According to jekyll's site, the main commands seem to be

jekyll new PATH --blank - Creates a new blank Jekyll site scaffold at specified path.
jekyll build or jekyll b - Performs a one off build your site to ./_site (by default).
jekyll serve or jekyll s - Builds your site any time a source file changes and serves it locally.

Which I guess is often prefaced with bundle?

We seem to have selected packages and extensions in _config.yml which are then installed by building (generating Gemfile and Gemfile.lock?). E.g. our theme is minima

NB we e.g. have in _layouts/post.html the comment:

This post.html was copied from minima (bundle info --path minima) shows where the templates are stored.
Then it's existence overrides it. So we added style="text-align: justify;" in the content div.

And we also add these style things to the css file:

TODO - look into https://docs.github.com/en/pages/configuring-a-custom-domain-for-your-github-pages-site on how to host on github pages