
Final project for 19Spring CS-546 of Stevens Institute of Technology

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Final project for 19Spring CS-546 of Stevens Institute of Technology

GitHub Repository: https://github.com/BenjiTheC/MOBA_Shop


We have all of the images the database needed store in seed/ directory. The seeding script is in the same directory. Below is the steps to run the server of the website.

  1. Fire up the MongoDB database

Make sure you have installed the MongoDB database solution on your machine. The MongoDB use a directory data/db/ under the root(/) to store related data files.

sudo mkdir /data/db

Use sudo command in case of permission denied, then try to run the MongoDB deamon, as the MongoDB is trying to write into the root directory, you may want to use sudo to force the command executed.

sudo mongod
  1. Install denpendency

We have used multiple external Node.js packages, use npm to install it. We are assuming that the person reading this instruction has npm already installed.

npm install

This command will automatically install the denpendency packages specified in package.json

  1. Dump the data into the database

Our seeding script seed.js is put under the directory seed/. We are assuming that the person reading this instruction has Node.js already installed. Under the repository, execute the following command to run the seeding script.

node seed/seed.js
  1. Run the server up!

In package.json we have configured the npm command to fire up the server. Execute the following command.

npm start

And now the website can be accessed locally through the http://localhost:3000/

Group Member and task

NOTE: The content below is a summary based on git log history. To reconcil, run git log --author="$username".

Siyuan He

  1. Item route api and corresponding database operation
  2. User route api and corresponding database operation
  3. Search route api and corresponding database operation
  4. Converasation route api and corresponding database operation
  5. Part of seeding script
  6. Fulfill security requirement

Jake Lovrin

  1. User authentication: log in & sign up

Liu Yang

  1. Cart and purchase route api and corresponding database operation

Yinghui Cai

  1. All front end javascript and css and handlebars template
  2. Weilding the front end and route along with occationally database malfunction
  3. Part of seeding script
  4. Fulfill accessibility requirement