
To save the pain and time from initialization of a React project

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Minimal React development environment set up

I've been using create-react-app for React project initialization for a while. And I've been using Material-UI React components library for a while. Also, I've been using eslint and prettier for enforcement of coding style for a while.

The thing is, it's been kinda cumbersome for initial set up that before I can actually starting building something meaningful.

I will have to finish following steps before I can write the React component code:

  1. Run create-react-app to initialize the project.
  2. npm install and npm install -D dependency
  3. Create .eslintrc.json and .prettierrc and make ESLint and Prettier work together properly. - This is annoying.
  4. Delete unnecessary files such as index.css, App.css - I use JSS which is built into Material-UI and only one tiny SCSS file for template HTML.
  5. Create directories under src/ - assets/, components/, hooks/, pages/. Potentially redux/ and services//graphql/ if any state management or external API calls are needed, which is the case for 95% of the time.
  6. Add customized fonts and theme in assets/styles/
  7. Basic router('/') and context provider set up in App.js

Then I can finally write some components code.

So to simplify this workflow, I create this repo, to store pre-configured package.json, .eslintrc.json and .prettierrc for now. Eventually I will have a shell script (maybe python script) to do this for me.