How to detect suspicious activity in your AWS account by using private decoy resources

This project provides the templates and source code for the blog post How to detect suspicious activity in your AWS account by using private decoy resources

Follow the instructions in the blog post above to deploy the code and templates without changes to the default AWS Region in the blog post.

If you want to customize or change the way the resources are deployed, read on.

To deploy the resources to a different AWS Region from the one in the blog post

To deploy the template and code without changes to a different AWS Region than the one identified in the blog post:

  1. Ensure that you have enabled AWS Security Hub in the AWS Region where you want to deploy the resources.

  2. Clone this repository to your desktop using git.

    git clone
  3. In the AWS Region of your choice, create a new CloudFormation stack using the packaged template rendered_template_cleaned.yaml

To modifying the CDK and Lambda function code

This project uses CDK in python to generate the templates used to create resources.

To change the properties of the decoy resources created in the template or to change the Lambda function code:

  1. Install and configure the CDK: follow the instructions in CDK Getting Started to get started. Specifically:

  2. Ensure that you have enabled AWS Security Hub in the AWS Region where you want to deploy the resources.

  3. Clone this repository to your desktop using git.

    git clone
  4. Delete the stack if you previously created a CloudFormation stack in this AWS Account and Region by following the instructions in the blog post or by using the template rendered_template_cleaned.yaml. The CDK steps below will create a new stack with new resources and will fail if resources with the same name are present in this AWS Account and AWS Region from a previous stack.

  5. Review and edit the CDK python code in resources/ Make changes to the CDK code to modify the properties of the resources created.

  6. Review and edit the Lambda function code in lambda/ This function is triggered by EventBridge rules and maps incoming CloudTrail API events to custom findings in Security Hub with fields defined in ASFF.

  7. Synthesize the CloudFormation template for the updated code using:

    cdk synth
  8. Finally, you can deploy the stack to the AWS Account and AWS Region you configured in Step 1. This command bundles the Lambda code, uploads it to the S3 bucket created for CDK artifacts, and creates a CloudFormation stack with new resources.

    export AWS_REGION=<your-chosen-region-name>
    cdk deploy