
A simple contract to batch transfer ERC1155

Primary LanguageSolidity

Batch transfer contract

This repository contains the local environment for a contract that allows sending ERC1155 items to multiple addresses. It also allows sending an ERC721 to an address (although it is in the user's advantage to just call safeTransferFrom)


  • contracts
    • batchTransfer.sol // batch transfer contract
    • multiToken.sol // an example erc1155 contract
    • token.sol // an example erc721 contract
  • test
    • BatchTransferContract.test.ts // tests for the batch transfer contract
  • migrations
    • ... truffle migrations


  1. Clone repo
  2. Run npm i to install all necessary dependencies

npm i will then run postinstall and generate-types.


Run truffle compile

  • By default the compiler in truffle-config.js is 0.8.6

Test on truffle develop

run truffle develop followed by migrate and test


Rinkeby contract: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x3e3d923898bf5bbB0CB3Bd1809Dd10165918c990 Polygon contract: https://polygonscan.com/address/0x0c14093400f5de3de7326a9a7f49dcc53d6a9d0b Ethereum contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x9be54b221c44e8665c88af8bb1a99189a1f0e80a

Test on local Network

Edit your local network in truffle-config.js under 'development'.

run truffle test