
721 foundry

Primary LanguageSolidity

Foundry template


forge init myProject
cd myProject

Install dependencies

cd myProject
forge install <https://github.com/library-to-import>@branch

Import lib in contracts (via remappings)

forge remappings > remappings.txt
# ./remappings.txt

Import in contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import {Ownable} from "openzeppelin-contracts/access/Ownable.sol";

contract AnyContract is Ownable {}

Compile contract

Set compiler version in foundry.toml

solc = "0.8.13"

Compile and log contracts sizes:

forge build --sizes

Inspect compiled contracts:

forge inspect <contract_name> <element_to_inspect>

Contract metadata:

forge inspect <contract_name> metadata


forge inspect <contract_name> bytecode


forge inspect <contract_name> abi

Inspect storage can be very useful:

forge inspect <contract_name> storage --pretty

Unit testing

Create file in test/AnyContract.t.sol

Import the testing library in the test contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {VmSafe} from "forge-std/Vm.sol";

import {AnyContract} from "src/AnyContract.sol";

contract AnyContract_test is Test {}

Add a setUp function for "beforeAll" conditions:

import {AnyContract} from "src/AnyContract.sol";

contract AnyContract_test is Test {
  function setUp() public {
    AnyContract anyContract = new AnyContract();

Create an unit test with function starting with test:


contract AnyContract_test is Test {

  function test_functionName_ConditionToTest() public {}

Run tests with differents amount of details

forge test
forge test -vv
forge test -vvvv

Read about the Test library: Assertion cheatcodes Execution environment cheatcode

Forking a network in tests

Set a network in foundry.toml:

anvil = "http://localhost:8545/"
goerli = "https://ethereum-goerli-rpc.allthatnode.com"

RPC urls can be founds on chainlist.org, consider using an API KEY with nodes providers (like Infura, POKT network, ...) for large amount of transactions or calls.

Fork the network for the whole tests:

forge test -f goerli

Fork the network only in specific tests:


contract AnyContract_test is Test {

  function test_functionName_ForkCondition() public {

    // try by logging chain variable
    emit log_named_uint("chain ID", block.chainid);
    emit log_named_uint("block height", block.number);

Increase tests speed by caching calls to the forked network:


contract AnyContract_test is Test {

  function test_functionName_ForkCondition() public {
    // stick to a specific block number
    vm.createSelectFork("goerli", 8486194);

    emit log_named_uint("chain ID", block.chainid);
    emit log_named_uint("block height", block.number);

Foundry will cache all calls sended to the forked network, so the next time forge test is run, data are fetched in the cache instead of the network.

Check Foundry cache:

forge cache ls

Deploy contracts

Write scripts in script/my_script.s.sol and import the script library:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "forge-std/Script.sol";

import {AnyContract} from "src/AnyContract.sol";

contract deploy is Script {}

You can add private keys in .env and read them in the script:


Add the "broadcast" block to sign transaction with a specific private key:

contract deploy is Script {
  function run() public {
    // read private key in .env
    uint256 pk = vm.envUint("DEPLOYER_ANVIL");
    address deployer = vm.addr(pk);

    // broadcast block

    // deploy and call contracts here


Test your script with:

forge script deploy

Foundry will execute the function run() in your script.

Using local blockchain

Launch the local blockchain with:


Dry run your script on the network:

forge script deploy --rpc-url anvil

Dry allow to run your script and create transaction which can be checked in broadcast

Run and broadcast transaction:

forge script deploy --rpc-url anvil --broadcast

Using testnet

Dry run your script is always a good practice:

forge script deploy --rpc-url goerli


forge script deploy --rpc-url goerli --broadcast

Verify contract


forge verify-contract <address> <contract_name> --chain <chain_id> --verifier sourcify

Etherscan: Make sure you have set the ETHERSCAN_KEY in .env

source .env
forge verify-contract <address> <contract_name> --chain <network_alias | chain_id> $ETHERSCAN_KEY --watch

If the contract has been deployed with arguments:

cast abi-encode "constructor(address,uint256)" 0xdaab... 500000

Then add the flag --constructor-args with the above result to the forge verify-contract command

Contributors: Raph, xDrKush, Yamakhala, Amine