
VirtualBox Appliance for updating Tytera (Tyt) MD-380 / MD-390 / Retevis RT3 or RT8 radios using MD380tools

Primary LanguageShell

MD380tools VM for VirtualBox Warren Merkel, KD4Z Current Version: 2.2

This project is a fork of https://github.com/kd0kkv/md380tools-vm

You could freshly install any Linux distribution you like in VirtualBox, however I recently ran across the image made by KD0KKV, and thought it was useful.

I created this fork to enhance the image to support MD-390 radios with GPS and provide more detailed instructions in its use.

Follow directions in the installation PDF found here: https://github.com/KD4Z/md380tools-vm/blob/master/MD380tools_VM_installation.pdf

You will need to download the VirtualBox Appliance image file from Dropbox.

Link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24789865/VM/tyt_kd4z.ova

The file is also available split into four parts. Here are the links for each piece:

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24789865/VM/tyt_kd4z.part1.rar https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24789865/VM/tyt_kd4z.part2.rar https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24789865/VM/tyt_kd4z.part3.rar https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24789865/VM/tyt_kd4z.part4.rar

Download each one. You will need to use the RAR program to extract them back into the original OVA Appliance file.

Image file updated: 12/16/2016 22:30 EST to Version 2.2