This repository provides two poetry packages
- airodor_wifi_api: this package provides a simple python api to communicate with the limodor/limot airodor wifi module
- airodor_web_app: this packages provides a simple flask web app as frontend to the airodor_wifi_api.
⚠️ This module holds a poetry tool dependency to the airodor_wifi_api. This is currently a workaround to have both packages in one repository and will be resolved in the future.
you can easily use the docker container provided at dockerhub benniwi/airodor-wifi
Start the container with the environment variable VENTILATION_ADDRESS to connect it to your airodor wifi module Give the server a custom name with the environment variable SERVER_NAME Enable the testing mode with the environment variable
curl -sSL | python3
poetry config true
using the GitHub cli:
gh net
for more details check this
docker build -t benniwi/airodor-wifi:latest --file ./container/Dockerfile .
docker run --env TEST_MODE=1 --env VENTILATION_ADDRESS="" --env SERVER_NAME="My Custom Server Name" --expose=80 --rm -ti -p80:80 benniwi/airodor-wifi