
Build system scaffolding for bundling JS for delivery in a webapge.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ES6 Build Kit

Build system scaffolding for bundling JS for delivery in a webapge.


  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install Gulp


  1. In Terminal, navigate to your projects directory, such as:
cd ~/Projects

NOTE: The path (~/Projects) may be different on your machine. Use pwd to see which directory you are in.

  1. Clone the repository with:
git clone git@github.com/BenningtonCS/es6-build-kit.git
  1. Go inside the cloned project with:
cd es6-build-kit
  1. Download required node modules with:
npm install
  1. Build the project with:
gulp build

A webpage should open up with "Hello World" text on a white background.


Gulp tasks:

Most of the time you should just need to run gulp build, but this runs some additional tasks (which you can see with gulp --tasks).

  1. Run gulp lint to run a linter on the JavaScript source code (in src).
  2. Run gulp scripts to bundle the JavaScript source code.
  3. Run gulp copy to move the HTML/CSS to the distribution (dist) directory.
  4. Run gulp open to open the index.html page in the distribution directory.