
Bindings to connect Angular router to Akita store

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Bindings to connect Angular router to Akita store.

To get started, install the @datorama/akita-ng-router-store package and add to the app module the Akita’s devtools modules:

import { AkitaNgDevtools } from '@datorama/akita-ngdevtools';
import { AkitaNgRouterStoreModule } from '@datorama/akita-ng-router-store';
imports: [environment.production ? [] :
  [ AkitaNgDevtools.forRoot(), AkitaNgRouterStoreModule ]
export class AppModule {

Lazy Load Modules

To get the lazy modules routing params, please add the following option to your module:

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { paramsInheritanceStrategy: 'always' })],