This program scrapes swedish news sites such as aftonbladet, expressen, nyheter 24 etc. using jsoup. After sorting the words after most freaquently appeared it creates a png word cloud image using kennycason/kumo library and then sets as the wallpaper.
- img.png the word cloud image will be replaced with the new one after you run the program.
- blacklistedwords.txt a list with unwanted words that usaually appears such as och,han,hon (and,he,she).
- run.bat windows task scheduler had a problem running the run.jar file so run this file instead that runs the run.jar file hihi ;P
- run.jar the file to run.
- text.txt saves the text from the websites with a timestamp
- textWords.txt save the words in most frequent order.
- To run program <run.jar location>java -jar run.jar -optinalargument
- -help (shows arguments)
- -timestamp (shows time since last website scrape)
- -refresh soft (creates new word cloud png from exisitn words and sets it to your wallpaper)
- -refresh hard (scrapes the websites again and creates a new word cloud png and sets it to your wallpaper)
- -add "word" adds the word to blacklist file.
- (no arguments does nothing unless it was more then 5 hours since you scraped the websites)
To make it run automatically use windows task scheduler (Create basic task). Make it run the run.bat file and choose startup in the same map.