Word of the Day!

Today's word of the day is: Arduous

Pronunciation: "are-joo-us"

Definition: involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.

Example 1: The military puts its soldiers through arduous training regiments in order to prepare them for the rigors of war.

Example 2: Climbing Mount Everest is an arduous feat that requires both physical and mental toughness to persevere.

To arduously strive for success is the ideal destiny of all human beings. It is a formidable adjective that breathes vivid life into toil and strife. How many times have you stayed up past the dead of night arduously cramming for that final exam? How many times has your busy schedule brought forth daunt toward the morning sun, procuring arduous beckons to rise from your peaceful slumber? Your arduity has now been acknowledged, and ahead lies the destiny of paradise.

This has been MewTwoKing's word of the day. Come back tomorrow for a better vocabularáy!