
Neovim lua config for Python and JS

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is my personal Neovim config. Neovim is my default code/text editor.

I currently use Neovim v0.9.5 (AppImage) on Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon edition

Most of the config is derived from Josean-dev's dot files. I edited out some parts and made a few additions to suit my needs. You can see his youtube video to familiarize with the setup.

I primarily code in Python (Occasional JS, Bash).

Setup on Linux

Make sure to install the latest Neovim package or use an AppImage.

For AppImage, place them in a local runtime path and make it executable. I placed mine in ~/bin/ (See other options). Run echo $PATH in terminal to check your runtime paths.

I have the following alias stored in ~/.bash_aliases, so i use v in terminal to start neovim.

alias v=nvim.appimage

1. Backup your existing Neovim config and run the below command

# WARNING: This will delete your nvim config and installed plugins
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim

2. Clone repo into ~/.config/nvim folder

git clone https://github.com/BennyThadikaran/nvim-config.git ~/.config/nvim

3. On opening neovim:

  • Lazy should begin installing plugins. Run :Lazy to check installed plugins.
  • Mason should install LSPs, formatters etc. Run :MasonInstall if not triggered.
  • Treesitter should install language parsers. Run :TSUpdate to be sure.

Configuration Info

LSP configuration and setup is located in lua/dev/plugins/lsp/lspconfig.lua

Language specific Formatters, linters etc are located in lua/dev/plugins/lsp/none-ls.lua

Keymaps are located in lua/dev/core/Keymaps.lua.

Other global options are set in lua/dev/core/options.lua

Plugin configs are located in lua/dev/plugins. I use builtin netrw as file explorer.

I disabled many builtin plugins except netrw in lua/dev/lazy.lua to keep the startup time fast. You may want to enable some (shada, tutor etc) based on your needs. (I dont know what most of them do and havent run into problems 😃).

Lastly i know just the bare basics of Lua and enough neovim for setup/daily use. If you run into problems be prepared to experiment/research on your own. 😜


Lazy - Package manager

Gruvbox - Colorscheme

Staline - Statusline and bufferline

Autopairs - Auto completion for {}, (), ""etc

Surround - Add, delete or change (), "" etc around text

Comment - Toggle code comments

Indent-blankline - Adds indent lines in code.

Colorizer - Color highlighter

Treesitter - Improved language specific syntax highlighting. Atleast that's what i use it for 😺

Autocompletion and LSP

Lspconfig - LSP config setup

Mason - Package manager to install LSPs, formatter, Linter etc.

None-ls - Null-ls fork, interacts with LSP to provide linting, formatting and other actions.

lsp_signature - Display function signature as you type

hrsh7th/nvim-cmp - Autocompletion engine. A few other plugins acts as completion sources like cmp-buffer (buffers), cmp-path (Filepaths)

LuaSnip - Snippet completion engine

friendly-snippets - A collection of usefull snippets

Learning Resources

Vim Tutorials - TheFrugalComputerGuy - YouTube

Everything you need to know to configure neovim using lua