An tool, create with RxJS, to help to use the Coding Game

How to install

npm install or yarn

Then you can run npm watch to compile your ts files.

Create your own AI

Create your AI in src/ai/ folder as yourAI.ts

import { AI } from "../shared/ai";
import { CharacterAction, Game } from "../shared/game";

export default class yourAI extends AI {

  firstAction (game: Game): void {
    // Put your first action here

  ai (game: Game): void {
    // Put your code here
    // For example

You can run your IA with the above command :

DEBUG=*,-Fight::getGamenode node ./src/app.js --ai=yourAI --player-name=your-name --character=warrior

Preconfigured AI

You can run a preconfigured AI to help you to test you AI


npm run-script start:only-hit --versus=true


This AI use THRUST action until the enemy has 0 of armor. Then it use only the HIT action.

npm run-script start:only-thrust --versus=true


This AI use SHIELD and wait your aciton.

npm run-script start:only-shield --versus=true

How to use

For example, we want to launch a game with OnlyShield versus OnlyThrust:

In you first shell run :

npm run-script start:only-thrust

Then the result is something like that:

Fight::createGame { token: 'cpvmm2',
Fight::createGame   status: 'WAITING',
Fight::createGame   speed: 1000,
Fight::createGame   countDown: null,
Fight::createGame   me: null,
Fight::createGame   foe: 
Fight::createGame    { healthPoints: 1000,
Fight::createGame      armor: 17,
Fight::createGame      character: { armor: 17, name: 'WARRIOR', actions: [Object] },
Fight::createGame      history: [],
Fight::createGame      isBehindShield: false } } +0ms

Then you can run in another shell:

DEBUG=*,-Fight::getGamenode node ./src/app.js --ai=only-shield --player-name=OnlyShield --character=warrior --versus=true --game-token=<token>

With --gameToken equal to the token in the previous command