An tool, create with RxJS, to help to use the Coding Game
npm install
or yarn
Then you can run npm watch
to compile your ts files.
Create your AI in src/ai/
folder as yourAI.ts
import { AI } from "../shared/ai";
import { CharacterAction, Game } from "../shared/game";
export default class yourAI extends AI {
firstAction (game: Game): void {
// Put your first action here
ai (game: Game): void {
// Put your code here
// For example
You can run your IA with the above command :
DEBUG=*,-Fight::getGamenode node ./src/app.js --ai=yourAI --player-name=your-name --character=warrior
You can run a preconfigured AI to help you to test you AI
npm run-script start:only-hit --versus=true
This AI use THRUST action until the enemy has 0 of armor. Then it use only the HIT action.
npm run-script start:only-thrust --versus=true
This AI use SHIELD and wait your aciton.
npm run-script start:only-shield --versus=true
For example, we want to launch a game with OnlyShield versus OnlyThrust:
In you first shell run :
npm run-script start:only-thrust
Then the result is something like that:
Fight::createGame { token: 'cpvmm2',
Fight::createGame status: 'WAITING',
Fight::createGame speed: 1000,
Fight::createGame countDown: null,
Fight::createGame me: null,
Fight::createGame foe:
Fight::createGame { healthPoints: 1000,
Fight::createGame armor: 17,
Fight::createGame character: { armor: 17, name: 'WARRIOR', actions: [Object] },
Fight::createGame history: [],
Fight::createGame isBehindShield: false } } +0ms
Then you can run in another shell:
DEBUG=*,-Fight::getGamenode node ./src/app.js --ai=only-shield --player-name=OnlyShield --character=warrior --versus=true --game-token=<token>
With --gameToken
equal to the token in the previous command