This project objective is to compute route to explore tiles, by cycling or running. For "tiles" information, see statshunters or veloviewer.
- python 3.7 (shapely not well manage python 3.9)
Open a terminal window and navigate to the folder that you want to download route-tiles into. Write in the terminal window
git clone https://github.com/BenoitBouillard/route-tiles.git
on future, you can perform a pull request to get the latest version:
git pull
followed by
cd route-tiles
and at last to install python package
pip install -r requirements.txt
To generate html documentation from this readme:
python -m markdown README.md -f static\help.html -x extra -x toc
There are 2 parts:
- the server
- the user interface
The server receive requests from the user interface and compute the route by:
- create http server for user interface
- download OpenStreetMap tiles
- find the nearest point of start/stop point
- find all the entry points of selected tiles
- compute route from start to end point passing by selected tiles
The server is a python script. To launch it, run this command in a terminal from the installation folder:
python route-tile-server.py
A message should be displayed:
serving at port 8000
It is possible to change the port with --port option:
>python route-tile-server.py --port 80
serving at port 80
Once the server is running, it is possible to use the user interface. It is a web page. On the same computer than the server, it is accessible with url http://localhost:8000
To find a route, several information are mandatory or possible:
- displacement mode
- start/end position
- tiles to visit
- waypoints to go
When there is enough information, a route request will be send to the server after a few seconds.
The status of the routing is displayed:
- "wait..." Wait a few seconds before sending the request to the server
- "ask for route..." The request has been send and waiting for the answer
- "searching..." Route searching in progress. The map will display its current optimal route
- "complete" Optimal route has been find
Data are stored locally by the browser. If you refresh the page (or close and open it later), latest data will be recovered.
It is possible to choose from several modes:
- Roadcycle: it will use only asphalt: road, cycle path if asphalt. Avoid major road
- Road by foot: it will use only asphalt: road, steps and path if asphalt. Allow prohibited direction.
- Chemin: use any path
- Trail: use path preferably
For some personal reason, we could want to avoid turnaround on tile visiting (there is no other reason to have a turnaround on route computation), even if it is the minimum route. We could accept to do 100m or 1km more. This option can add an additional cost for each turnaround, and them limit them with an acceptable cost.
/!\ The algorithm don't find the better route without turnaround (bug) /!\
Start position is mandatory. End position is optional. If there is no end position, the route will be a loop (return to the start point).
To define the start or end position, clic on the "Start" or "End" button and then on map for the position. A marker will be displayed.
It is possible to move markers directly on the map.
It is possible to remove start and end position with the trash bin icon on the right of the button.
It is also possible to inverse start and end position with the icon with the double arrows between start and stop button.
You can add one or several waypoints that the route must go.
To add a waypoint, select "Add waypoint" button and then, click on the map. The waypoint should appear on the map by a cyan marker.
You can move a waypoint directly on the map by dragging it.
To remove a waypoint, just click on it.
On the map, you can select tiles to visit, just by clicking on it. Same to unselect a tile.
Be careful: Don't add to much tiles. The time of computation increase exponentially !
- Don't add trivial tiles
- Split your route is several ones by defining intermediate points and join then with merge function
You can remove all marked tiles with "Clear tiles" button. It will also remove all waypoints.
When the route is finished ("complete" status), it is possible to directly download it: Click on download icon blue button, and enter a file name in input field.
Name is optional. If none, datetime will be use for the file name and gpx name.
It is also possible to store several routes in the "Routes" section. Give a name and click on "+" button. Then you can highlight previous route, rename, remove or download them.
You can also perform some operation on route with the action menu:
Actions on selected route:
- Rename selected route
- Download selected route
- Duplicate selected route (the new route will be added on the end)
- Remove selected route
- Merge the selected route with the next selected one
- Replace section of seleted route with the next selected one (Start and end of next route must be on the selecte one)
- Split the route by clicking on the map
- Cancel last action: you can cancel up to 10 actions
Tips: You can perform merge and replace with the finded route by clicking the green status instead of next route.
It is possible to activate filter for displayed routes.
Filter is a regex expression that will check route name.
Some example:
: Route started by "Vélo"[0-9]$
: Route finised by a number
It is possible to display missing tiles on the map to facilitate the tiles selection for a route.
You can import data from statshunters:
StatsHunters.com offer the possibility to create a link to share your personal page with others. You have to create sharelink on https://statshunters.com/share page and copy paste the full link (something like https://www.statshunters.com/share/abcdef123456) on the page and import.
As it take some time to load ativities from statshunters server, they are saved in cache to accelerate the page loading and filter computation. To load new activities, you have to click "Reload" button.
It is possible to add filter on statshunters. It should be formated as python expression and usefull data from activities are:
- name
- date
- type (Run, Ride, ...)
Some examples:
- Only Ride of 2021:
type=="Ride" and date>="2021"
- Only 2021 Run with '#fromHome' in name :
type=="Run" and '#fromHome' in name and date>"2021"
- [Improvement] Add CANCEL to merge => Undo up to 10 actions
- [Improvement] Add Elevation
- [Improvement] Add description to buttons
- [Improvement] Add a way to reload tiles data (in case of data evolution on OSM server)
- [Bug] Session management has no timeout
- [Improvement] Route management (multiple segments with tiles)
- [Improvement] Gpx import
- [Bug] Forbidden chars in gpx issue
- [Improvement] Add installation for python package
- [Improvement] Localization in FR and EN
- [Improvement] Save routes locally
- [Improvement] Direct download trace
- [Bug] display if a tile has no entry point
- [Improvement] Add option to limit turn around (Turn around price)
- [Improvement] Add line command arguments for port
- [Bug] Turnaround price don't find the better route
- [Improvement] Use tiles from statshunters.com
- [Improvement] Add filter on saved traces
- [Improvement] Display max square and cluster
- [Improvement] Add circle
- [Improvement] Add waypoints
- [Bug] Filter selected trace could be stay displayed
- [Improvement] Add insertion of route on an other
- [Improvement] Add split route
- [Imrpovement] Rework menu actions