
Recommendations on which characteristics are most important for determining whether a customer has a favourable perception of the microvan concept, to segment the market, and to determine which segment(s) would be good to target based on the analysis of data.

title author date output
Clustering and Factor Analysis - Microvan Research
Nammn Joshii
pdf_document html_document
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Load required packages


Reading the dataset

mv <- read_dta("/Users/naman/Desktop/microvan.dta")

mv[1] <-NULL

cor <- cor(mv[,colnames(mv)[2:31]])

Creating Histograms for frequency distribution

i = 1
par(mfrow = c(5, 6), mar = c(2,2,2,2))
for (col in mv[2:38]) {
  hist(col, main = colnames(mv)[i],col=rainbow(i))
  i = i + 1

Fitting the model with 30 variables

model <- lm(mvliking ~ ., data=mv[1:31])

Factor Analysis

Pre-factor diagnostics

# Bartlett test of sphericity

# Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of sampling adequacy

Determine the number of factors

# Create a table of results for ease of interpretation
ev <- eigen(cor(mv[,colnames(mv)[2:31]]))$values
e <- data.frame(Eigenvalue = ev, PropOfVar = ev / length(ev), CumPropOfVar = cumsum(ev / length(ev)))
round(e, 4)

Draw a scree plot

p <- ggplot()
p <- p + geom_line(aes(x = 1:length(ev), y = ev))
p <- p + geom_point(aes(x = 1:length(ev), y = ev))
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept = 1, colour = "red")
p <- p + labs(x = "Number", y = "Eigenvalues", title = "Scree Plot of Eigenvalues")
p <- p + scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:length(ev), minor_breaks = NULL)
p <- p + theme_bw()

Extract solution

Select number of factors

n <- length(which(ev > 1)) 

Extract and rotate principal components

pc <- principal(mv[,colnames(mv)[2:31]], nfactors = n, rotate="varimax")

Create a factor loadings table; Sort based on uniqueness

fl <- cbind.data.frame(pc$loadings[,], Uniqueness = pc$uniquenesses)
round(fl[order(pc$uniquenesses),], 4)

# View(fl[fl$RC1 > 0.5 | fl$RC1 < -0.5,])
# View(fl[fl$RC2 > 0.5 | fl$RC2 < -0.5,])
# View(fl[fl$RC3 > 0.5 | fl$RC3 < -0.5,])
# View(fl[fl$RC4 > 0.5 | fl$RC4 < -0.5,])
# View(fl[fl$RC5 > 0.5 | fl$RC5 < -0.5,])

Segmenting based on factor scores

Print factor scores

factor_scores <- as.data.frame(pc$scores)

final_data <- cbind.data.frame(mv[1],pc$scores)

Fitting the model with 5 factors

new_model <- lm(mvliking ~ RC1 + RC2 + RC3 + RC4 + RC5, data=final_data)


Fitting the model with 3 factors

reduced_model <- lm(mvliking ~ RC1 + RC2  + RC4, data=final_data)


Comparing the two models


Conduct k-means clustering on the factor scores

Remove factors which are insignificant

factor_scores$RC3 <- NULL
factor_scores$RC5 <- NULL

Hierarchical clustering to see number of clusters using dendrogram

d <- dist(pc$scores)
h <- hclust(d, method = "ward.D2")

View dendogram

plot(h, xlab = "Respondent")

First, standardize the input variables (z-scores)

z <- scale(factor_scores, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)

Since the k-means algorithm starts with a random set of centers, setting the seed helps ensure the results are reproducible


Apply K-means clustering with the selected numbers of centers (e.g. 3)

k <- kmeans(z, centers = 3)

Display cluster sizes


Cluster means

For ease of interpretation, convert standardized values for factor scores

sapply(c("RC1", "RC2","RC4"), function(n) k$centers[, n]*sd(pc$scores[,n]) + mean(pc$scores[,n]))

Crosstab analysis on cluster segements versus likeness

mv <- cbind(mv, cluster = k$cluster)
mv$mvliking_group <- ifelse(mv$mvliking >= 0 & mv$mvliking <= 3, 'Low Liking ',
                            ifelse(mv$mvliking >=4 & mv$mvliking <=6, 'Medium Liking',
                                   ifelse(mv$mvliking >=7, 'High Liking', 'something else')))

CrossTable(x = mv$cluster, y = mv$mvliking_group, expected = TRUE, prop.r = FALSE, prop.c = FALSE, prop.t = FALSE)

Adding groups across segment descriptors

mv$age_group <- ifelse(mv$age >= 19 & mv$age <= 35, '19-35',
                            ifelse(mv$age >= 36 & mv$age <= 50, '36-50',
                                      ifelse( mv$age > 50, '50+','something else')))

mv$income_group <- ifelse(mv$income >= 15 & mv$income <= 50, '0-50k',
                       ifelse(mv$income >= 51 & mv$income <= 100, '51-100k',
                              ifelse(mv$income >= 101 & mv$income <= 150, '101-150k',
                                ifelse( mv$income > 150, '150+k','something else'))))

mv$miles_group <- ifelse(mv$miles >= 0 & mv$miles <= 14, '< 14k',
                       ifelse(mv$miles >= 15 & mv$miles <= 18, '15-19k',
                              ifelse(mv$miles >= 19 & mv$miles <= 22, '19-22k',
                                ifelse( mv$miles > 22, '22+','something else'))))

mv$educ_group <- ifelse(mv$educ >= 1 & mv$educ <= 2, 'Less Formal Education',
                       ifelse(mv$educ == 3, 'Undergraduate',
                              ifelse( mv$educ == 4, 'Graduate','something else')))

Crosstab analysis for identifying segment descriptors

For Age Group

CrossTable(x = mv$cluster, y = mv$age_group, expected = TRUE, prop.r = FALSE, prop.c = FALSE, prop.t = FALSE)

For Income Group

CrossTable(x = mv$cluster, y = mv$income_group, expected = TRUE, prop.r = FALSE, prop.c = FALSE, prop.t = FALSE)

For Miles Driven Group

CrossTable(x = mv$cluster, y = mv$miles_group, expected = TRUE, prop.r = FALSE, prop.c = FALSE, prop.t = FALSE)

For Gender

CrossTable(x = mv$cluster, y = mv$female, expected = TRUE, prop.r = FALSE, prop.c = FALSE, prop.t = FALSE)

For Recycle

CrossTable(x = mv$cluster, y = mv$recycle, expected = TRUE, prop.r = FALSE, prop.c = FALSE, prop.t = FALSE)

For Number of Kids

CrossTable(x = mv$cluster, y = mv$numkids, expected = TRUE, prop.r = FALSE, prop.c = FALSE, prop.t = FALSE)

For Education Group

CrossTable(x = mv$cluster, y = mv$educ_group, expected = TRUE, prop.r = FALSE, prop.c = FALSE, prop.t = FALSE)