Football Simulation Example


This project is an example implementation of the footballsimulationengine node module available on npmjs.


  1. Download the project onto your system ({dir})
  2. cd {dir}
  3. run npm install

Run the Game

  1. load your team into the {dir}/teams directory (you can use an existing team as an example)
  2. in '{dir}/server.js' change for team1 and team2:
readFile("teams/team1.json").then(function (team1) {

to your newly created .json file i.e.

readFile("teams/myTeam.json").then(function (team1) {
  1. Set the pitch size by changing the pitchWidth and pitchHeight in '{dir}/teams/pitch.json' Note: Any changes will need changes made to the start positions of the players
  2. run npm start
  3. Go To http://localhost:1442/match.html

Playing A Match

  1. Press Setup
  • This starts a new match where the pitch size is displayed on the screen and the players are in their correct positions.
  1. Press >
  • This runs half the number of iterations defined in public/js/match.js
var gamelength = 12000;
  1. Press pause || to pause the iteration
  2. Press ``2nd Half`
  • This flips the players to opposite sides
  1. Press Show Logs to toggle on or off logging i.e. Iteration 50: Closest Player to ball: Louise Johnson,Closest Player to ball: Aiden Smith

  • See a match example here