

Should be included in HTTP Requests in the Authorization header field, or as a query parameter depending on the API documentation for a given endpoint.

For JWT, we recommend using RS256. You may generate a sample JWT using https://jwt.io/. You need to send us public/private key depending upon which algorithm you are using. We will add that public/private key on our side, so it will verify signature generated. Also, you need to send us the value of iss (issuer) value of payload.
Note: Prepend Bearer to your actual jwt when you authorize here to test.

Authorization: Bearer <jwt-token>

Required Fields:


  • alg (algorithm): Must be string signaling signing algorithm, should be RS256
  • typ (type): Must be JWT


  • iss(issuer): Must be issuer domain such as sub.domain.tld
  • kid(key id): Must be unique signing key identifier string
  • sub (subject): Must be unique user id
  • nbf (not before): Must be Unix timestamp seconds as number to indicate time before which token should not be accepted, typically should be set to creation timestamp.
  • exp (expires): Must be Unix timestamp seconds as number, to indicate time after which token should not be accepted.

Required Fields Example:

     "alg": "RS256",
     "typ": "JWT"
     "sub": "15e2f938-0a30-45d0-8fa8-7a23357f06e8",
     "nbf": 1516239022,
     "exp": 1686906796

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