Pinned Repositories
3D photogrammetric reconstruction of the statue of "OKO Skopje," creating a virtual model showcasing the statue's appearance in a three-dimensional format, presented on a webpage
Repository for all my developed Web-Pages
вежби од елитниот факултет - УКИМ @ Финки Скопје
global chatting system where anyone can connect to a room, exchange messages, and reply to other messages. This application is built with Spring Boot and uses SQL Server as the backend, hosted on Azure. It leverages Docker for image building, Kubernetes for managing pods, and GitHub Actions for CI/CD pipeline, deploying seamlessly to AKS
a web application entirely from the ground up, harnessing the power of JavaScript, PHP, and SQL, with a sprinkle of inspiration from Kendrick Lamar.
Web App that enables users to search and filter through museums in Macedonia using real-time data from OpenStreetMap. Additionally, users can add reviews, while administrators have access to an admin dashboard for managing museum data.
scalable music management app built with ASP.NET Core 8.0 in Onion architecture. It supports CRUD operations for albums, tracks, artists, and user playlists, with ordering/checkout and data export features. Designed for Azure Cloud
BeratAhmetaj's Repositories
вежби од елитниот факултет - УКИМ @ Финки Скопје
Web App that enables users to search and filter through museums in Macedonia using real-time data from OpenStreetMap. Additionally, users can add reviews, while administrators have access to an admin dashboard for managing museum data.
scalable music management app built with ASP.NET Core 8.0 in Onion architecture. It supports CRUD operations for albums, tracks, artists, and user playlists, with ordering/checkout and data export features. Designed for Azure Cloud
3D photogrammetric reconstruction of the statue of "OKO Skopje," creating a virtual model showcasing the statue's appearance in a three-dimensional format, presented on a webpage
global chatting system where anyone can connect to a room, exchange messages, and reply to other messages. This application is built with Spring Boot and uses SQL Server as the backend, hosted on Azure. It leverages Docker for image building, Kubernetes for managing pods, and GitHub Actions for CI/CD pipeline, deploying seamlessly to AKS
a web application entirely from the ground up, harnessing the power of JavaScript, PHP, and SQL, with a sprinkle of inspiration from Kendrick Lamar.
Repository for all my developed Web-Pages