KumuluzEE and GraalVM integration

This project is intended to enable and optimize the transformation of KumuluzEE microservices into GraalVM native images.

Simple Servlet

A GET request on localhost:8080/servlet should return the string Simple Servlet.


The data of a single object is of the format:

class RestData {
    String id;
    String prop1;
    String prop2;
  • GET localhost:8080/v1/rest-data gets a JSON array with all data instances (empty on startup)
  • GET localhost:8080/v1/rest-data/:id gets a specific entry via the :id parameter
  • POST localhost:8080/v1/rest-data inserts a new entry
  • DELETE localhost:8080/v1/rest-data/:id deletes and entry via the :id parameter


From the root of the project cd into the exploded directory via cd exploded, then run ./build.sh and ./run.sh. build.sh should build the project into its exploded version and generate a GraalVM native image. run.sh should run the native image.

After the app starts up, the text Simple servlet should be available on localhost:8080/servlet, while a simple REST API endpoint should be available on localhost:8080/v1/rest-data


Same as above, but with cd uber-jar at the beginning.