
Primary LanguageTypeScript


  • Can't rotate block sticky to left side



  • Move collision logic to block class
  • Gridlines as gutter in grid


  • 2 player mode (one client)
  • Validate highscore by saving game history (Erik S)
  • Touchscreen support through hammer.js
  • Stats
  • Sound
  • DIY Analytics
  • Idea credits
  • "Task failed succesfully" easter egg


  • Game drawing clock (event loop? investigate) -> disable hold instafall/rotate, hold left/right same speed for everyone
  • Snake/Pacman style level overflow
  • "Tetris UI", select mode by dropping block in a column
  • Swap out Parceljs -> snowpack (https://2020.stateofjs.com/en-US/technologies/build-tools/)

On release:

  • Post to reddit.com/r/tetris (as video) "I wrote a Tetris clone with co-op mode"
  • Write blog post
  • Ask Daniel to hack the highscore

Project started at around 5 januari