Devo Challenge

Getting started

  • Clone the repo git clone

  • Install dependencies npm install

  • Build app npm run build

1# Is Palindrome

Run node isPalindrome -s text

More info node isPalindrome --help

2# Find k complementary

Run node kComplementary -a 1 2 3 -k 3

More info node kComplementary --help

3# Tf/idf

Run node . -d <path/to/directory> -n 5 -t "password try again"

More info node . --help


Run docker build -t anavarro_challenge .

Run docker run -it anavarro_challenge sh

** execute with the steps described above

** When using docker the reference to the host file system is lost, so for the execution of the Tfidf app it must be from an internal directory of the container.