5 Things About Python Logging

This repository accompanies a talk given at the SFPython meet-up (here).

It is a collection of basic examples for how to use Python's logging API.


  1. Simple logging: loggers/simple/main.py
  2. Using logger namespaces (or ancestry): loggers/namespaces/main.py
  3. Using __name__ for your namespaces: loggers/free_namespaces/main.py


  1. Simple stream handlers: handles/streams/main.py
  2. Simple file handlers: handlers/files/main.py
  3. Handler levels vs. logger levels: handlers/levels/main.py
  4. Log messages over a network: handlers/network/main.py


  1. Basic message formatting: formatters/message/main.py
  2. Date/Time formatting: formatters/date_time/main.py


  1. Python string format cheat-sheet: https://pyformat.info/
  2. Python LogRecord attribute list: https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/logging.html#logrecord-attributes
  3. Python strftime format strings: https://docs.python.org/2/library/datetime.html#strftime-and-strptime-behavior


  1. Basic filtering: filters/simple/main.py
  2. Injecting LogRecord attributes: filters/inject/main.py


  1. Using basicConfig: configuration/basicConfig/main.py
  2. Using dictConfig: configuration/dictConfig/main.py
  3. Using fileConfig: configuration/fileConfig/main.py

Example Configuration

  1. .ini/.conf file: configuration/fileConfig/config.ini
  2. Native Python dict: configuration/dictConfig/main.py

Bonus - Python Log Config-Change Server

This is completely bonkers. Python has a built-in logging configuration update server.

This means you can change the logging config for an entire runtime on the fly, without restarting the process.

NOTE: This example uses Flask. If you want to run main.py, please be sure to pip install Flask first.