
Implementation of a polyhedral gravity model in C++17

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build and Test Documentation Status

This code is a validated implementation in C++17 of the Polyhedral Gravity Model by Tsoulis et al.. It was created in a collaborative project between TU Munich and ESA's Advanced Concepts Team. Please refer to the project report for extensive information about the theoretical background, related work, implementation & design decisions, application, verification, and runtime measurements of the presented code.

The implementation is based on the paper Tsoulis, D., 2012. Analytical computation of the full gravity tensor of a homogeneous arbitrarily shaped polyhedral source using line integrals. Geophysics, 77(2), pp.F1-F11. and its corresponding implementation in FORTRAN.

Supplementary details can be found in the more recent paper TSOULIS, Dimitrios; GAVRIILIDOU, Georgia. A computational review of the line integral analytical formulation of the polyhedral gravity signal. Geophysical Prospecting, 2021, 69. Jg., Nr. 8-9, S. 1745-1760. and its corresponding implementation in MATLAB, which is strongly based on the former implementation in FORTRAN.

Results and Plots

Some exemplary results and plots are stored in the jupyter notebook. It also provides a good introduction to the application of the python interface.

Documentation (readthedocs)

The full extensive documentation can be found on readthedocs.


The project uses the following dependencies, all of them are automatically set-up via CMake:

  • GoogleTest 1.11.0 (only required for testing)
  • spdlog 1.11.0 (required for logging)
  • tetgen 1.6 (required for I/O)
  • yaml-cpp 0.7.0 (required for I/O)
  • thrust 1.16.0 (required for parallelization and utility)
  • xsimd 8.1.0 (required for vectorization of the atan(..))
  • pybind11 2.10.3 (required for the Python interface, but not the C++ standalone)

Python interface


The python interface can be easily installed with conda:

conda install -c conda-forge polyhedral-gravity-model

This is currently only supported for x86-64 systems since one of the dependencies is not available on conda for aarch64. However, building from source with pip can also be done on aarch64 as shown below.


Use pip to install the python interface in your local python runtime. The module will be build using CMake and the using the above requirements. Just execute in repository root:

pip install .

To modify the build options (like parallelization) have a look at the setupy.py and the next paragraph. (Optional: For a faster build you can install all dependencies available for your system in your local python environment. That way, they won't be fetched from GitHub.)

Build C++

The program is build by using CMake. So first make sure that you installed CMake and then follow these steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. <options>
cmake --build .

The following options are available:

Name (Default) Options
POLYHEDRAL_GRAVITY_PARALLELIZATION (CPP) CPP = Serial Execution / OMP or TBB = Parallel Execution with OpenMP or Intel's TBB
LOGGING_LEVEL (2) 0 = TRACE/ 1 = DEBUG/ 2 = INFO / 3 = WARN/ 4 = ERROR/ 5 = CRITICAL/ 6 = OFF
USE_LOCAL_TBB (OFF) Use a local installation of TBB instead of setting it up via CMake
BUILD_POLYHEDRAL_GRAVITY_DOCS (OFF) Build this documentation

During testing POLYHEDRAL_GRAVITY_PARALLELIZATION=TBB has been the most performant. It is further not recommend to change the LOGGING_LEVEL to something else than INFO=2.

The recommended CMake command would look like this (we only need to change PARALLELIZATION_DEVICE, since the defaults of the others are already correctly set):


Execution C++


After the build, the gravity model can be run by executing:

./polyhedralGravity <YAML-Configuration-File>

where the YAML-Configuration-File contains the required parameters. Examples for Configuration Files and Polyhedral Source Files can be found in this repository in the folder /example-config/.

Config File

The configuration should look similar to the given example below. It is required to specify the source-files of the polyhedron's mesh (more info about the supported file in the next paragraph), the density of the polyhedron, and the wished computation points where the gravity tensor shall be computed. Further one must specify the name of the .csv output file.

    polyhedron: #polyhedron source-file(s)
      - "../example-config/data/tsoulis.node"   # .node contains the vertices
      - "../example-config/data/tsoulis.face"   # .face contains the triangular faces
    density: 2670.0                             # constant density in [kg/m^3]
    points: # Location of the computation point(s) P
      - [ 0, 0, 0 ]                             # Here it is situated at the origin
    check_mesh: true                            # Fully optional, enables input checking (not given: false)
    filename: "gravity_result.csv"              # The name of the output file 

Polyhedron Source Files

The implementation supports multiple common mesh formats for the polyhedral source. These include:

File Suffix Name Comment
.node and .face TetGen's files These two files need to be given as a pair to the input. Documentation of TetGen's files
.mesh Medit's mesh files Single file containing every needed mesh information.
.ply The Polygon File format/ Stanfoard Triangle format Single file containing every needed mesh information. Blender File Format.
.off Object File Format Single file containing every needed mesh information.
.stl Stereolithography format Single file containing every needed mesh information. Blender File Format.

Notice! Only the ASCII versions of those respective files are supported! This is especially important for e.g. the .ply files which also can be in binary format.

Good tools to convert your Polyhedron to a supported format (also for interchanging ASCII and binary format) are e.g.:

The vertices in the input mesh file must be ordered so that the plane unit normals point outwards of the polyhedron for every face. One can use the program input-checking procedure to ensure the correct format. This method is activated via the corresponding configuration option and uses the Möller–Trumbore intersection algorithm. Notice that this algorithm is a quadratic complexity, so the check should only be utilized in case of uncertainty.


The calculation outputs the following parameters for every Computation Point P:

Name Unit Comment
V m^2/s^2 or J/kg The potential or also called specific energy
Vx, Vy, Vz m/s^2 The gravitational accerleration in the three cartesian directions
Vxx, Vyy, Vzz, Vxy, Vxz, Vyz 1/s^2 The spatial rate of change of the gravitational accleration

Testing C++

The project uses GoogleTest for testing. In oder to execute those tests just execute the following command in the build directory:
