
This is a repo containing information from my university time as a Software Engineering Student.


This is a repo containing information from my university time at University of Southern Denmark from 2020-2023.


Semester Course ECTS Number Visibility Repository
First Computer Systems 5 T510023102 Private -
First Statistical Data Analysis 5 T510028102 Private -
First Object-oriented Programming 10 T510024102 Private -
Second Fundamentals of Software engineering 7,5 T510025102 Private -
Second Organizational Management 2,5 T510025102 Private -
Second Advanced Programming 5 T510029102 Public Link
Second Data Management 5 T510029102 Private -
Third Human Computer Interaction 5 T510031101 Private -
Third Calculus and Linear Algebra 5 T510042101 Private -
Third Operating Systems 5 T510046101 Public Link
Third Web Technologies 5 T510048101 Private -
Fourth Artificial Intelligence 5 T510009102 Public Link
Fourth Component-based Systems 5 T510035102 Public Link
Fourth Discrete Mathematics 2 T510040102 Private -
Fourth Algorithms and Datastructures 8 T510040102 Private -
Fifth Cybersecurity 5 T510039101 Public Link
Fifth Mobile Software Development 5 T510032101 Public Link
Fifth Software Maintenance 5 T510001101 Private -
Fifth Deep Learning 5 T590033101 Public Link
Fifth Data Visualization 5 T520040101 Private -
Fifth Cloud Computing and Edge-Cloud Adaptive Architectures 5 T520041101 Private -
Sixth Software Architectures 5 T510033101 Private -
Sixth Scienctific Theory of Engineering 3 T540008101 Private -
Sixth Project management and preliminary investigation 7 T510037101 Private -


This section will contain a list of all the different projects I have been working on during my time at the University.

Course Specific Projects

Semester Course Description Number Visibility Repository
First OOP Workshop Sensor System T510024102 Private -
Second VOP-TA1 Baby names and danish towns T510029102 Private -
Second VOP-TA2 Concurrency, Callback interfaces and facades T510029102 Private -
Third CLA-TA1 Gauss-jordan T510042101 Private -
Third CLA-TA2 Gradient descent T510042101 Private -
Third HCI-Prototype Design example T510031101 Public Link
Third Kubernetes-workshop Intro to kubernetes T510046101 Private -
Third OD-TA1 Database solution behind a TLS proxy. T510046101 Private -
Third WT-TA1 Student management system using laravel T510048101 Private -
Third WT-TA2 Pet shelter shop using laravel T510048101 Private -
Third WT-TA3 Social media using laravel T510048101 Private -
Fifth DV-GRP08 Evolution of Smarthphones T520040101 Public Link
Fifth MSD-01ReactNative Movie database using the TMBD API T510032101 Public Link
Fifth MSD-02Android Movie database using the TMBD API T510032101 Public Link
Fifth MSD-03PWA TODO App made in react T510032101 Public Link
Fifth SE05-MSD-04Flutter TODO app using flutter and dart T510032101 Public Link
Fifth DL-TA1 Working with KNN, SVM, Softmax, 2 layer NN for detecting skin lesions T590033101 Public Link
Fifth DL-TA2 CNN classification for the HAM10000 Dataset T590033101 Public Link
Fifth DL-TA3 Natural language processing of spam SMS' T590033101 Public Link

Semester Specific Projects

Semester Course Description Number Visibility Repository
First World of Trash Java based game T510047101 Public Link
Second TV2 Credit Management System CMS T510043101 Public Link
Third Interactive Distributed Software Systems Operations team for a streaming app T510030101 Private -
Fourth Grand Theft Gørding LibGDX game T510034101 Public Link
Fifth No Semesterproject - - - -
Sixth OSINT Collection and Automation within Battle Management Systems Bachelorproject T510012101 Confidential -

Programming and markup languages used

Java, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, SQL, PHP, Dart, Kotlin, Bash, Markdown, LaTeX, XML, JSON, YAML, Dockerfile, Makefile, R, TypeScript.

Technologies Used

Git, GitHub, GitLab, Docker, Kubernetes, Postman, Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, PyCharm, DataGrip, WebStorms, Android Studio, Xcode, GIMP, Adobe Photoshop, MongoDB, pgAdmin 4, MySQL, SQLite, Redis, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Prometheus, Grafana, Nginx, Apache, Trello, Discord, Zoom, Teams, Google Cloud, Linode, Cloudflare, JavaFX, SceneBuilder, Spring, Laravel, React, VueJS React Native, Angular Flutter, Tensorflow, Keras, Jupyter, Kafka, Hibernate, Virtualbox, Wireshark, GitKraken, Notion, Rstudio, Maple, Bootstrap, Tailwind, Bulma, TeXstudio, Overleaf, Figma, Draw.io.

Credits and Acknowledgements

Lots of projects, assignments and homework have been done in collaboration with the following guys. They are all great people and I am very thankful for their help and support throughout the years.

Whats Next?

Take 1 year off before starting my masters in Cybersecurity at Aalborg University. What I want to do during this year?

  1. Get a job in the field of Software Development or Cybersecurity.
  2. Traveling and exploring the world.
  3. Lots of Indie Hacking and open source contributions.
  4. Improve my skills in the field of software development and cybersecurity.
  5. Improve my 3D modeling and 3D printing skills.
  6. At least one game to be released on Steam.
  7. At least one app to be released on the App Store.