
Icy Tower game for CS 319 project

Primary LanguageJava

Icy Tower

⚡ Icy Tower game for CS 319 project, Group 1C. ⚡

Project Description

Gameplay screenshot of Icy Tower

We are going to implement the well-known action and platform game Icy Tower. We are going to use JavaFX to implement this game with using the principles of Object Oriented Software Engineering.

About Icy Tower

Icy tower is a single player platform game which user controls the character for jumping on platforms quickly. Game starts at the bottom of the icy tower, and the player tries to jump to the bars at the above without falling and getting more points by sliding at the walls which is on the leftmost and rightmost of the screen. The player has to maintain a speed that must be higher than the speed of the game screen goes up.

The gamespace is a vertical area which continuously moving up and contains platforms. The character can jump on those platforms to move up. The platforms will have different types of instances such as thin, hardly visible, slippery.

The player will have a score that depends on the altitude and level. There will be 3 levels (easy, medium, hard) that affects the speed of moving up of the system.

A reference for the original game: http://gaming.wikia.com/wiki/Icy_Tower

Group Members 💡

  • Cansu Yıldırım
  • Berke Soysal
  • Ozan Kerem Devamlı

Meeting Hours ⌚

Day Time
Wednesday 10:40 - 12:30
Thursday 17:30 - 19:30