
Website for UC Berkeley 61B Fall 2023

Primary LanguageHTML

Fall 2023 Website

Fall 2023 Website - http://fa23.datastructur.es

Wiki Docs (probably outdated, check below first) - https://github.com/Berkeley-CS61B/docs/wiki

Please, please, please wrap markdown files to 80 chars

If you have not committed before, please read the docs and PR your change(s).

Table of Contents

Work Items

File Structure

├── _announcements           # Announcements .md files
├── _data                    # Site data files (schedule, staff, lecture polls) and scripts
├── _includes                # See https://jekyllrb.com/docs/includes/
├── _layouts                 # Content HTML templates
├── _sass                    # Styling files
├── assets                   # Site assets (fonts, images, JS scripts)
├── materials                # Course materials (assignments, guides, discussions, etc.)
├── ...
├── CNAME                    # Specifies domain name
├── Gemfile                  # Dependencies
├── Makefile                 # Targets for building website locally and generating schedule
├── 404.html                 # Error page
├── about.md                 # Course Info page
├── announcements.html       # Announcements page
├── index.html               # Home page
├── resources.md             # Resources page
└── staff.html               # Staff page

Local Setup

Website repo: (https://github.com/Berkeley-CS61B/website-fa23)

This page will walk you through on how to build the website locally so you can test out your changes before pushing to the public website. It's actually pretty simple!

Step 0: Installing Ruby

We recommend installing Ruby using the official directions here. Make sure to select your appropriate operating system. Stop after you get done with rbenv. We're not installing rails.

Step 1: Installing Jekyll

The website is built on Jekyll, which lets us do cool things like convert YAML and Markdown files to HTML files, so we don't have to worry (too much) about the underlying HTML that our website is built on. Follow the instructions here.

We're using Jekyll 3.6.2.

Step 2: Clone the Website

Run git clone https://github.com/Berkeley-CS61B/website-fa23.git or git clone git@github.com:Berkeley-CS61B/website-fa23.git in a memorable location.

Step 3: Build the Website

  1. There are two commands you can run:
    • make serve: This will serve the website and display all the pages regardless of whether they are released or not.
    • make prod: This will serve the website and apply special properties of pages (e.g. not displaying unreleased pages, etc.)
  2. If the above two commands fail, try running bundle exec jekyll serve the first time you ever build the website. On MacOSX Big Sur (Ruby V2.6.3, Jekyll 4.2.0): if bundle exec jekyll serve fails, try bundle install first If bundle install fails, try bundle config build.ffi -- --with-cflags=-Wno-implicit-function-declaration then bundle install again
  3. The website will be deployed (by default) at Ta-da!

Deploying the Website

  1. Add a file CNAME with the custom domain of the website: for example, fa23.datastructur.es.
  2. Push changes to the website's Github repo.
  3. On Github, under Settings → GitHub Pages, change the Custom Domain to the domain name in the CNAME file. No other settings need to be changed.
  4. On Dreamhost (as of Fall 2020), go to Domains → datastructur.es → DNS. Then, add a custom DNS record with:
  • name = .datastructur.es

  • Type = CNAME

  • Value = Berkeley-CS61B.github.io

    It usually takes about an hour for these changes to propagate.

How to...

This section goes over how to modify the website for common tasks. If you want a new tutorial to be added, please ping infra!

Release a Lab, HW, or Project

  1. Edit the spec markdown file and supporting files (images, etc.) in the assignment's folder under materials. Please change the spec's main Markdown file (e.g. lab1.md) to index.md - this makes the url path nicer!
  2. To release an assignment spec unlinked (meaning that the contents are visible if you have the url, but there is no link to it from the homepage), edit the top of the spec's Markdown file to be released: true.
  3. To activate the link on the homepage: see Activate a Link on the Homepage Schedule.

Release a Discussion

Please don't add discussion PDFs to this repo. Add it to the SPA's drive instead!

  1. To add a discussion worksheet to the website, add the link in the corresponding week's .yml file in _data under that discussion's link variable.
  2. To add a discussion resource (slides, video, solution), go to the week's .yml file in _data and add an entry under resource_links. For example, this entry should take the form:
    - name: slides
      released: true/false # whether to activate the link on the schedule
      link: "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14bqo6_RosJbQxago7cnvdT1Vy9GSO6hL5c1CmzcBZp0/edit?usp=sharing"
  3. Finally, to activate the discussion on the website, see Activate a Link on the Homepage Schedule. *Note: this released: true is under the discussion, separate from resource_links.

Add/Update Announcements

  1. cd _announcements

  2. If adding a new announcement, make a copy of _template.md: cp _template.md week##.md

  3. Take a look at the announcement file:

    layout: announcement
    title: TITLE
    date: YYYY-MM-DD
    Your text here.

    Do not edit layout. Edit the title and date accordingly. Replace Your text here. with the announcement you wish to make. Markdown is supported!

  4. Save

  5. Test with make serve.

Activate a Link on the Homepage Schedule

  1. Go to _data/week#.yml and set the corresponding released flag to true.
  2. Run the gen_yaml.py script in the _data directory. This script can also be run with make schedule. If successful, it should tell you that it finished updating schedule.yml.

Add Course Staff

  1. Create a spreadsheet with responses to the staff info form, but only columns for: Email Address, Full Name, Bio, Appointment, Photo, Pronouns, and Personal Website. Download this spreadsheet as a CSV and move it to _data/staff.csv.
  2. Invoke the script create_staff_ymls.py (located in _data). This script will create two .yml files: tas.yml and tutors.yml. It also downloads the photos from Google Drive into a new folder assets/img/staff. Make the drive folder temporarily public so the script can access the photos.
  3. Invoke the resize.py script in assets/img/staff/.

More Links