
This repository it's a set of configurations and rules for Wazuh in an attemp to create or map the CIS benchmark from the CIS (Center Of Internet Security):


1.- Install Auditd and use CIS_recomendations.rules as the configuration file (/etc/audit/audit.rules)

3.- Move the files in decoders folder to /var/ossec/etc/decoders

4.- Move the CIS_auditd_recommendation.xml, audit_common_rules.xml and Auditd_rules.xml to /var/ossec/etc/rules

a.- CIS_auditd_recommendation.xml - rules related with CIS recommendations.
b.- audit_common_rules.xml -This file was modified from original wazuh audit rules to adapt to new decoder fields to be ECS (Elastick common schema) compliance.
c.- Auditd_rules.xml - new rules based on auditd configurations not included in CIS recommendations.

5.- Also you can also include Regular_linux_rules.xml to /var/ossec/etc/rules in order to enable this rules based in regular linux log events that need no further configuration.

6.- Reconfiguration of /var/ossec/etc/ossce.conf must be done excluding wazuh decoders for audit with parameter:
