
Repository for the NEMESYS Web Assignment for Bernard Borg and Nathan Portelli as part of the CIS2205 UOM Unit.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


For now, this is going to be a document detailing the project specifications.

NEMESYS is a near-miss exposure and reporting system which allows University students and staff to report dangerous situations that might be present around the UOM campus.

Types of users: Reporters, Investigators, Administrators

Reporters can;

  • Create a report
  • Edit/delete their own reports
  • Browse all reports
  • Upvote reports

User information (italic = optional);

  • Name (string)
  • Email (string)
  • Password (hashed value)
  • Number of personal reports (int)
  • Photo (default image)
  • Phone

Report properties;

  • Date of report (date)
  • Location (double: longitude, latitude)
  • Date and time when hazard was spotted (datetime)
  • Hazard type (database table)
  • Description
  • Status (database table) - only modifyable by investigators
    • Open
    • No action required
    • Being investigated
    • Closed
  • Details of person (user class)
  • Number of upvotes
  • Photo

Investigators can;

  • Review reports
  • Add an investigation entry to each report before closing the case (only one investigation per report)
  • Add and edit investigations for individual reports
  • Change the status of a report (an email is sent to the reporter when status has been changed)

Investigation properties;

  • Description of investigation (string)
  • Date of action (date)
  • Investigator's details (investigator class)

Optional additional features;

  • Email notifications when a new report has been submitted (received by investigators - observer pattern?)
  • Watching of reports by other reporters (publisher-subscriber pattern?)
  • Contact reporter (for investigations)
  • Google SSO

Speculated pages needed;

  • Profile page (for each user)
  • Home page (page containing reports, small section of hall of fame with link to actual hall of fame - optional features are sorting by date of report/top upvoted, with tabs for opened, closed, etc reports)
  • Hall of fame page based on number of reports (optionally, also based on number of upvotes)
  • Login page and register page
  • Report page (with ability to edit and delete for the reporter who made the report)
  • Investigation page (for investigator to change information)