
Kata + extreme startup + elephant carpaccio

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Extreme Carpaccio

extreme startup + elephant carpaccio

Technical Instructions

  1. Go to the clients directory and chose your client or create your own one

  2. Go to the sellers view and register yourself (URL example:

  3. The server will start sending orders like this:

    POST /order HTTP/1.1
        "prices": [65.6,27.26,32.68],
        "quantities": [6,8,10],
        "country": "IE",
  4. You should calculate the total and answer with an object bill, i.e.: { "total": 1000.0 } (the server checks responses using two decimal digits of precision, so, i. e., 10.1234 and 10.12 are equal).

  5. Your score will be shown in the dashboard

  6. The server will send you feedback like this:

    POST /feedback HTTP/1.1
        "type": "ERROR",
        "content": "The field \"total\" in the response is missing."

Functional Instructions

To calculate the bill, you need to consider the tax of the country from which the order came from and the reduction.


Here is the tax table used in the exercise:

Country Code Tax
Germany DE 20%
United Kingdom UK 21%
France FR 20%
Italy IT 25%
Spain ES 19%
Poland PL 21%
Romania RO 20%
Netherlands NL 20%
Belgium BE 24%
Greece EL 20%
Czech Republic CZ 19%
Portugal PT 23%
Hungary HU 27%
Sweden SE 23%
Austria AT 22%
Bulgaria BG 21%
Denmark DK 21%
Finland FI 17%
Slovakia SK 18%
Ireland IE 21%
Croatia HR 23%
Lithuania LT 23%
Slovenia SI 24%
Latvia LV 20%
Estonia EE 22%
Cyprus CY 21%
Luxembourg LU 25%
Malta MT 20%

For the order {"prices":[15.99],"quantities":[1],"country":"ES","reduction":"STANDARD"}, for example, the response should be {"total":19.03}.


Following the STANDARD reductions applied for the most part of the orders:

Total Reduction

= 50 000 EUR | 15 % = 10 000 EUR | 10 % = 7 000 EUR | 7 % = 5 000 EUR | 5 % = 1 000 EUR | 3 %

For the order {"prices":[4.1,8.03,86.83,65.62,44.82],"quantities":[10,3,5,4,5],"country":"AT","reduction":"STANDARD"}, for example, the response should be {"total":1166.62}.

Note that:

  1. reductions are applied after the taxes;
  2. another reduction types can appear during the game. You need to stay tuned in the server's feedback to figure out how to calculate it.

Penalties and Cash

Note that if you answer something that does not match the expected bill, you will be charged with 10% of the amount of the right bill. If your answer is correct, you earn the total of the bill.