
Quiz app about Kraš company.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quiz app

Quiz app is an app designed for a group of students of architecture and urbanism as a collaboration on their university project about the famous Croatian company "Kraš".

The app consists of 15 questions and tests the user's knowledge of the history and products of the Kraš company. The quiz consists of multiple-choice questions and is designed to be interactive and engaging.

It has several features that make it an engaging and educational experience for users (feedback on correct and incorrect answers, a final score that is displayed at the end of the quiz).


To check app demo, click the following link: https://quiz-app-mu-vert.vercel.app/start-page


StartPage Question CorrectAnswer IncorrectAnswer EndScreen

Getting started

To get started with the Quiz App, you can clone or download the repository to your local machine. You can then install the necessary dependencies and start the development server. The following commands should be run in the terminal:

npm install
npm start

Tech and tools used

React React Router