
A club membership app. This is meant to be an easy to use and efficient way to check membership quickly and using the typical Spreadsheet that most club utilize

Primary LanguagePython


This is an app meant to help with making keeping track of members in a club.

It essentially adds on top of the usual Excel spreadsheet method by adding on a QR code that makes the search through the spreadsheet much faster and reduces the turnover time for sign-ins or membership verification

This app was created using Kivy in order to make it compatible with any OS, giving the option to add on if desired. This also makes it easy for converting/exporting to a mobile app version

All one would need in order to use this app is a GoogleSheets spreadsheet of there members and a google client key

Run default app

In order to run the pre-built app all you need to do is:

  1. Download/clone this repository
  2. Have the required components here
  3. And run the specific file for the machine you're using:


  • Run the "Membership.exe"


  • Download "bin/membership-[...].apk" to phone
  • Tap the download to run/install

iPhone and Mac (TBD)




  • Google credentials file 'client_secret.json'
  • '.ico' file of club logo (optional - if you want to customize the image of the application)

Creating client_secret file:

Activate option to connect:

  • Go to this page: https://console.developers.google.com/project
  • Select the option to "Create Project", give it a name and create it
  • On the side-left menu go to “APIs & Services > Library”
  • Search for and enable both "Drive API" and "Sheets API" respectively

Create linking file:

  • On the side-left menu go to “APIs & Services > Credentials”
  • Choose the option to "Create Credentials” and select "Service Account"
  • Give this a name and create it (press continue until it is created)
  • Click on the item you've just created (towards the bottom of the page) and at the bottom of the next page select "Add key > Create new key"
  • Select 'JSON' and create the file.
  • Save this file with the name 'client_secret'


Basic info

main.py is where everything starts. All over scrips are in libs/classes and control the designs of each page.

libs/classes/home is the home page.

Page designs are in libs/kv and can be edited with some knowledge of Kivy.

All pages and their scripts have the same prefix to their file name (i.e. libs/classes/home.py <-> libs/kv/home.kv)

Techincal info

The scanner handles scanning in QRcodes and finding the corresponding memeber in the Google Sheet.

Member addition and QRcode generation is done from the Add Members page (only on desktops)

The settings page is where individual club specfications can be set.


  • Install Python3: https://www.python.org/downloads/ (Search for version 3.6.7)
    • After launching the installation file make sure to click the check box at the bottom of the popup window that states adding Python to PATH
  • Run pip install -r requirements from the folder where you copied this repository


If getting an error involving sld2 run:

python -m pip install kivy.deps.sdl2 kivy.deps.glew

Build app


On first creation the app will need to be built using the command pyinstaller --onefile .\Membership.spec after adding a 'client_secret.json' file to the assets directory as well as an 'club_logo.ico' file to the head directory if you wish the app to have your club logo

After the command finishes you'll find the application in the 'dist' folder


pip3 install --upgrade Cython On a Linux machine you will have to run buildozer -v android debug deploy run logcat

To do a fresh build run buildozer -v android clean first

Working on