
Memory game

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Memory Game


The memory-game is a modern web application built using React and Vite. This README provides an overview of the main scripts and technologies used in the project.

Main Technologies

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Vite: A build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects.


Here's a breakdown of the yarn scripts available in the project:

  • dev: Starts the Vite development server.
  • build: Builds the application for production using Vite.
  • lint: Runs ESLint on .js and .jsx files, ensuring quality code.
  • preview: Serves the production build locally using Vite.
  • format: Formats the code using Prettier across JS, JSX, and CSS files.
  • test: Runs tests using Jest.
  • deploy: Deploy the game into github pages.


  • https://bernardoaguayoortega.github.io/memory-game/: github page deploy.


  • http://localhost:5173/: The main application.


Main Dependencies

  • react: The core React library.
  • react-dom: React package for working with the DOM.
  • axios: Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.

Development Dependencies

  • @swc/cli, @swc/core, @swc/jest, @vitejs/plugin-react-swc: SWC related packages for faster transpilation.
  • @testing-library/jest-dom, @testing-library/react, @testing-library/react-hooks, @testing-library/user-event: Testing utilities for React.
  • @types/react, @types/react-dom: TypeScript definitions for React.
  • eslint, eslint-plugin-jest, eslint-plugin-react, eslint-plugin-react-hooks, eslint-plugin-react-refresh: ESLint and its plugins for linting JavaScript and React code.
  • husky, lint-staged: Tools for enforcing code quality using git hooks.
  • jest, jest-environment-jsdom: Jest for testing JavaScript code.
  • postcss, autoprefixer, tailwindcss: CSS processing tools.
  • prettier: Code formatter.
  • vite: Build tool and development server.
  • msw: Helps you mock web APIs for testing and development.
  • prop-types: Runtime type checking for React props.

Linting and Formatting

The project uses ESLint for linting and Prettier for code formatting. The lint-staged configuration ensures that linting and formatting are applied to staged .js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx, .css, .scss, and .html files, making commits cleaner and more consistent.

Memory Game Application Flow

Updated Memory Game Application Flow

Components Explanation:

  • CardsProvider: The main provider that wraps all other components.
    • GameProvider: A child of CardsProvider responsible for game-related functionalities.
    • Board: The main component and the entry point of the game.
      • CardList: A child of Board that lists all the cards.
        • Card: Represents an individual card in the game.
          • Empty Card: A placeholder or default state of a card.
          • Content Card: Represents the actual content or image of a card.
    • Panel: A component at the same level as Board for displaying game controls or information.
    • Winner Popup: A popup that appears when a player wins the game.
    • Settings Popup: A popup for adjusting game settings.

This README provides a high-level overview of the project. For more detailed information, refer to the individual package documentation and the project's source code.